
Our World. Is He Good Or Bad?

Our World. Is He Good Or Bad?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Is our world really good or bad? Is it possible to unambiguously answer this question? Or it all depends on who will answer it. We were all born in this world and we perceive it somehow. When we were still small, our world was closed on the closest people

The Origins Of Yoga

The Origins Of Yoga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Yoga is a system of self-knowledge, which is based on the axiomatics of yoga and all the conclusions that are drawn from it. In yoga lies all the experience that yogis and yoginis of antiquity received. This experience, which they received while doing self-knowledge, tells us that every person living on Earth has common ancestors, yoga teachers

Drugs And Mantra Yoga

Drugs And Mantra Yoga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It so happens that those who practice mantra yoga try in some way to enhance the effect of the practice. And there are many ways that come to mind. What methods are definitely not acceptable from the point of view of yoga? The first thing that needs to be said is narcotic substances

Our Higher Self And Our Bodies From A Yoga Perspective

Our Higher Self And Our Bodies From A Yoga Perspective

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

What or who is our Higher Self? Are we our gross physical body? Or maybe we are a group of bodies? This is a very complex topic, so there is no understanding of it due to the fact that the answers to these questions come to a person when he is sufficiently self-aware of himself

The Reality Of The World And The Veil Of Maya

The Reality Of The World And The Veil Of Maya

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

One cannot say about our world that there are only optimistic pictures around, but we also cannot say that everything is pessimistic around. Yoga tells us that we cannot see the real picture of the world, since the Supreme Reality is hidden by the veil of maya

Breathing - Basis Of Life

Breathing - Basis Of Life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Have you ever watched the flow of a river or the waves of the sea, or how the wind shakes trees or grass in a field? Have you watched the sound of the rain? Then how the raindrops drum on the leaves of trees and puddles? Have you ever seen the wind blowing dry foliage or heard its noise in the branches of huge pine trees?

4 Minutes Home Charge Will Replace 60 Minutes Of Fitness In The Gym

4 Minutes Home Charge Will Replace 60 Minutes Of Fitness In The Gym

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

4 minute home exercises will replace 60 minutes of fitness in the gym The option of going to the gym is not suitable for everyone and not everyone, not everyone can withstand an hour of training … 4 minute home exercises will replace 60 minutes of fitness in the gym The option of going to the gym is not suitable for everyone and not everyone, not everyone can withstand an hour of training … But these irreplaceable exercises will help you to be in shape, they are

Does A Yogi Have To Be Vegetarian?

Does A Yogi Have To Be Vegetarian?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Nowadays there is such a point of view that in order to "be considered a yogi", you need to give up meat. How true is this statement? Let's figure it out. The first place in yoga is freedom! Freedom from everything! What does it mean?

Pilates: Workout For The Lazy

Pilates: Workout For The Lazy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Pilates is one of the fitness techniques developed by German-American Josef Pilates. This system includes exercises for all parts of the body, during the performance of which breathing is given a special role. It is believed that Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and the possibility of injury while doing Pilates is almost impossible

Acceptance Meditation

Acceptance Meditation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It just so happens that everything in our world is bought and sold. You can buy absolutely everything - prestige, respect, popularity, God and even love. This is partly because the human mind is greedy. When a person comes to the practice of meditation, he expects the same result as if he came, for example, to the dentist

Yoga. What Is This System?

Yoga. What Is This System?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Yoga is gaining popularity among people in Western society. But do everyone who is interested in her know what it is, "yoga"? There are many myths and misconceptions about this issue. Often, ordinary gymnastics is called yoga, and a yogi is a person who bends in some unimaginable way, sits in a motionless position for a long time, or hums something unintelligible to himself

How Yoga Transforms Body And Health

How Yoga Transforms Body And Health

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Yoga becomes more popular every year. Many perceive it not as a philosophical trend, inseparable from physical development, but simply as a set of effective exercises. And there is nothing wrong with that, because the influence of yoga on the body is difficult to overestimate

What Is Kundalini Yoga

What Is Kundalini Yoga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Kundalini Yoga has gained great popularity in the West. This type of yoga contains meditation, chanting, visualization. Kundalini Yoga is formed on the Kriyas, that is, on exercises that must be performed in a strict sequence, created by the Guru

Length Of Yoga Practice

Length Of Yoga Practice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In order for the sessions to be beneficial, it is important that the duration of the practice is optimal. If you do too little, then you will not get tangible benefits, but if you do too much, you can quickly get tired and stop exercising altogether

5 Reasons To Do Yoga During Pregnancy

5 Reasons To Do Yoga During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Pregnancy is a joyful and at the same time very alarming state for any woman. A new life develops inside and it directly depends on the state of the mother. Many pregnant women wonder if yoga is acceptable during pregnancy? 5 reasons to do yoga during pregnancy:

What Styles Of Yoga Are There

What Styles Of Yoga Are There

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Despite its external versatility and the similarity of performing asanas, yoga is divided into different styles depending on the pace of the session, the intensity and even the air temperature in the yoga room. Having understood the styles of yoga, it is easy to understand what exactly is needed for each specific person

What Is Raja Yoga And What Place Does It Occupy In The System?

What Is Raja Yoga And What Place Does It Occupy In The System?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Raja yoga is called the yoga of Office, the yoga of the President. Raja yoga is a practical system for applying the will. The whole yoga system is one, but in this teaching there are different methods that work with different manifestations of a person

Several Myths And Misconceptions About Yoga

Several Myths And Misconceptions About Yoga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In the modern world, yoga began to be perceived as part of fitness, as a kind of gymnastics that develops flexibility, provides good stretching, etc. After all, everyone knows that yogis are those who easily stick their legs behind their heads, stand on their heads or sit in the lotus position with their eyes closed

How To Conduct The Meditation "May All Sentient Beings Be Happy!"

How To Conduct The Meditation "May All Sentient Beings Be Happy!"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Any object or phenomenon can be an object for meditation. In our practice we can use the method of Energy, our sensations, or the method of Consciousness, when we concentrate on something and by volitional effort we keep our attention. A good option would be when we can combine these methods

How Yoga Affects The General Condition Of The Body

How Yoga Affects The General Condition Of The Body

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The ancient Indian system of physical exercise, namely yoga, has become widely known and popular in Europe since the middle of the last century. These 60 years were enough for medical scientists to obtain reliable results on the positive effect of yoga on the general condition of the body with the help of modern techniques and equipment

How Does Mantra Yoga Work? Nama And Rupa

How Does Mantra Yoga Work? Nama And Rupa

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Those who practice mantra yoga sooner or later wonder what the mechanism of this yoga is. After all, it gives truly tremendous results. And we want to know, at least in the first approximation, through what mechanisms this magic is. Today we will touch upon a fundamental section of the yoga of form and name inseparability

What Is Meditation?

What Is Meditation?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

We often hear about meditation as a kind of ritual that is performed in a certain position, at a certain time, with a certain mantra, etc. There are many different techniques of meditation, ways, but there is another important factor - this is the state of meditation itself

Yoga - Path To Self-improvement

Yoga - Path To Self-improvement

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Yoga is a person's cognition of his nature and spirit. This is the ability to control the energy of your body. With the help of classes, you can achieve unity of body and soul. This phenomenon can be called euphoria. In yoga, there is no better and no worse

Bikram Yoga: Who Likes It Hot

Bikram Yoga: Who Likes It Hot

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Hot yoga is a great opportunity to get rid of extra pounds, make your body beautiful and fit. Ideal for those who want to achieve results in the shortest possible time. Bikram yoga is a rather extreme form of yoga. The peculiarity and complexity of this direction lies in the powerful dynamic practice in a tropical climate

Nyasa Yoga, Or Where Do Plugs Come From?

Nyasa Yoga, Or Where Do Plugs Come From?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In yoga, it is believed that until a person begins to feel the Universe around him, he cannot go to another level. In order for us to develop further, we need to learn to feel both the joy and sadness of the world around us. Yoga of touch, or nyasa yoga, is one of the quickest methods in yoga

Most Suitable Yoga For Sedentary People

Most Suitable Yoga For Sedentary People

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Choosing what type of physical activity to do, it would be good for a person to think about what, in fact, his body lacks in its everyday reality. If a person is engaged in physical labor at the main job, then most likely he will not think about additionally loading his body in his free time

What Is Pilates. Benefits Of Pilates

What Is Pilates. Benefits Of Pilates

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Pilates is an exercise system that was developed by Josef Pilates for the development of the muscular corset. Joseph developed this system for himself, but later it was used for the rehabilitation of soldiers, as well as for the training of acrobats

Tantra - Sex Or The Path To Superconsciousness?

Tantra - Sex Or The Path To Superconsciousness?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Tantra is the oldest science in the modern world. The Vigyan Bhairava Tantra treatise describes 112 techniques of meditation, more than five thousand years old. We can say that all philosophical trends and world religions grew out of it. But Tantra is not a philosophy or a religion

How To Treat Your Baby After Birth

How To Treat Your Baby After Birth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How can modern parents build their relationship with their child? What does yoga think about this? After the baby is born, mom and dad surround him with constant care. In the first months of a child's life, the mother is especially important

Learning To Listen To Ourselves

Learning To Listen To Ourselves

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

How important is it to listen to your body, to be able to grasp its needs? In yoga, this is considered to be of paramount importance. More often we trust various teaching aids, instructions, ancient treatises more, but not our own body. And this is fundamentally not the correct position

Lion Pose Forgiving Skin Aging

Lion Pose Forgiving Skin Aging

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Yoga helps to find not only spiritual balance and strengthen the muscles of the body, but also contributes to a significant extension of youth. Some exercises are aimed specifically at training the skin in the face and neck area. One of these techniques is the "

How To Learn Yoga At Home

How To Learn Yoga At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For many years, yoga has remained one of the most popular types of physical activity. It helps to calm the mind and improve the condition of the body. Yoga can be practiced without harm to yourself at home if you follow a few simple rules. Approach Yoga Learning with Care If you do not have any yoga experience, it is still advisable to first contact a good teacher or find group classes

Where Did Yoga Come From

Where Did Yoga Come From

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

People who start doing yoga often have a question, who invented yoga? Where did it come from? How long has this system been in existence? It is not so easy to get answers to these questions, because yoga has arisen so long ago that the names of the authors have not survived

Yoga Is Only Suitable For Hindus. Is It So?

Yoga Is Only Suitable For Hindus. Is It So?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For whom does yoga exist and who is it suitable for? You can find such an opinion that yoga was created exclusively for Hindus. Similarly, this idea can be expressed in a broader form, that it is suitable only for Eastern people, because yoga requires a special mentality

How To Develop Your Spine

How To Develop Your Spine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A healthy spine is the prevention of many diseases of the body. Special exercises will help to keep the spine in a healthy state, as well as to correct its deficiencies. It is recommended to perform the complex below before going to bed, as the body calms down a lot during the lesson

Meditation: Rules And Nuances

Meditation: Rules And Nuances

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Our life is full of hustle and bustle, speed and daily tasks. How to maintain mental balance in this rhythm in order to solve life issues without losing your mental strength? How to be calm in communication with others? How to make decisions intelligently and balanced?

How Postpartum Fitness Helps Restore Your Figure

How Postpartum Fitness Helps Restore Your Figure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There is an opinion that young mothers do not need to do anything to return prenatal forms. Like, just breastfeed, and everything will return to normal. However, fitness after childbirth is gaining more and more popularity, and for good reason

The Benefits Of Reciting Mantras

The Benefits Of Reciting Mantras

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are words and phrases in which combinations of sounds are selected in such a way that they have a strong effect on the human mind, body and subtle structures. They are called mantras. Benefits of yoga mantra: When practicing mantra yoga, the human mind begins to develop intensively

Why Should You Start Doing Yoga?

Why Should You Start Doing Yoga?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

If you've never done yoga, start as soon as possible. Active actions have an excellent effect on the entire body. Instructions Step 1 Posture improves. Poor posture leads to problems with the joints of the back and muscles, as well as the cervical spine

What Is Air Yoga

What Is Air Yoga

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Aeroyoga - an invention of instructor Michel Dortignac, has been known in our country for more than five years and is gaining popularity every year. This type of yoga will help you keep fit, have good stretching, relieve stress and find inner harmony