Have you ever watched the flow of a river or the waves of the sea, or how the wind shakes trees or grass in a field? Have you watched the sound of the rain? Then how the raindrops drum on the leaves of trees and puddles? Have you ever seen the wind blowing dry foliage or heard its noise in the branches of huge pine trees? Ever heard a rockfall in the mountains? Did you feel the tremor of the earth under your feet during the earthquake, its powerful tremors? If you have never done this before, then do it. Observe nature. After the beetle crawls on the ground. Or a bird flying - try to hear the noise from its wings. Listen carefully to the murmur of the brook. Or touch the stones heated by the sun - feel their warmth.

And if you are careful in your observations, you will discover amazing things that you did not notice before. Or they knew about it in childhood, but forgot. You will see that the world around you is alive. The nature around you is alive. And everything is in constant motion. This movement makes her alive. Even what seems to be static at first glance is in fact in constant motion. Trees and grass grow and die. In their place, another grass grows, new trees. Rivers and streams change their channels. Even mountains grow or die. The earth is constantly changing its topography.
And you can watch nature for an infinitely long time. And that's all, because nature is harmonious. The eyes never get tired of watching the sea or clouds, trees or flowers. No one is ever annoyed by the noise of the wind or the noise of rain, the lapping of waves. On the contrary, it even calms, fills with harmony. Even the noise of a thunderstorm or thunder is pleasant to the ear.
And the smells of the forest, herbs, wildflowers? They are natural and pleasant to every person.
This harmony, this primordial naturalness is inherent in nature. Unlike what a person does.
Everything created by man, in comparison with nature, carries only subjective information. And one way or another, but the creations of man, the creations of his mind, bring disharmony into nature. If the creations of nature harmoniously fit into the environment, then the creations of the human mind look disharmonious against the background of nature. This is partly due to the fact that the human mind, the work of the mind, is subjective in nature - the mind perceives peace and beauty only within the framework of its perception. And the more the mind perceives nature, the world, as something that it can use, the more disharmony it brings into the world. There is a conflict between nature and man.
But man is not the king of nature and not its master. Man only conditions himself by his activity, but he cannot violate the laws of living nature. Although he put himself above nature, he separated himself from it, but he is still a part of it. He is part of the living world of nature. In him there is something that he himself is not subject to - this is his life.
A person does not know how he is born, how he lives and how he dies. He studied the physiological processes that occur in him, but these are only observations. He knows now how it works, but he doesn't know why it works. A person does not know what his life and all living nature are based on. What laws.
Therefore, yoga as a science of human nature pays great attention to breathing.
Breathing is the foundation of life, its source. When a person is born, he takes his first breath and, with the coming of death, makes his last breath. This is what makes a person alive, makes him a part of nature. Breathing does not depend on a person - it lives its own parallel life. A person does not notice it - it is so natural.
Breathing is the same movement of life as a river or wind. It is in the same rhythm with the surrounding space, with the environment. But it is with breathing that the quality of life is associated. A person cannot help breathing, but how he breathes, how his breathing is attuned to the world, depends on him.
See how nature works. Watch her processes. The world breathes all the time - and its inhalation and exhalation are the ebb and flow of the seas, the change of day and night, summer and winter, birth and death. And our breath also has its own cycles, like the cycles of nature. With the inhalation we are born and with the exhalation we die. Breathing in, we breathe life into ourselves, and with exhalation, we breathe life out of ourselves. And this process is endless. This is how trees and stones live. This is how seas and oceans breathe. This is how the moon moves around the earth - its eternal companion. This is how the earth moves around the sun. And the sun is around the center of our galaxy. And this magical process is endless.
And coming to the awareness of our breathing, we come to the awareness of life around us. The more we rely on what the mind dictates to us, the more we move away from nature. The more we feel the world, the more we close the distance between us and the world. Bringing our breath in one rhythm with nature, synchronizing it with nature, we gain the feeling of ourselves as a part of the earth, a part of its life and death processes.
Feeling his breath, the beating of his heart, the movement of blood through the veins, a person approaches the source of this very life, which is inside himself. He achieves the fullness of life, naturalness. Comes to the beauty and harmony of internal and external qualities that allow him to go beyond his capabilities. Doing himself - an Opportunity. An opportunity to grow your potential, your consciousness to endless heights.