Yoga helps to find not only spiritual balance and strengthen the muscles of the body, but also contributes to a significant extension of youth. Some exercises are aimed specifically at training the skin in the face and neck area. One of these techniques is the "lion pose".

Step 1
The main areas affected by the lion pose are the throat, facial muscles, and lungs. The problem of sagging skin, its flabbiness and the appearance of premature wrinkles appears, as a rule, at a certain age. If you slow down the aging process, your skin will look youthful and healthy for much longer.
Step 2
It is recommended to do the lion pose exercise daily. It does not take much time, and the result will delight any woman.
Step 3
Get on your knees first and then move your buttocks to your heels. In this case, the hands should rest on the palms and be straight.
Step 4
Straighten your back, place your hands on your knees and inhale very deeply. In this case, the eyes should be closed, and the body should be completely relaxed.
Step 5
Hold your breath for a few seconds. As you exhale, move your body forward. You can leave your hands on your knees or rest on the palm of your hand in front of you. Open your mouth as wide as possible and extend your tongue as much as possible.
Step 6
Open your eyes wide and try to see your forehead. During this exercise, the muscles of the face should be tense and taut as much as possible.
Step 7
Without changing your position, try to reproduce the roar of a lion with your throat. It is enough to do it once or twice. Then relax and take the starting position.
Step 8
There is a second way to do this exercise. The main difference lies in the position of the body. You can not kneel, but take a position lying on your stomach. In this case, the arms should be extended, and the back should be bent as much as possible to the floor. This technique affects not only the skin of the face, but also helps to make the back muscles more elastic.