Pilates is one of the fitness techniques developed by German-American Josef Pilates. This system includes exercises for all parts of the body, during the performance of which breathing is given a special role.
It is believed that Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and the possibility of injury while doing Pilates is almost impossible.
Pilates and weight loss
Despite the seeming ease of exercise, Pilates exercises perfectly develop strength and endurance. Your body becomes flexible, posture improves, metabolism accelerates, in addition, regular exercise contributes to the proper functioning of internal organs. You can feel it after about a month of daily training. Now for a few basic exercises. Each exercise must be repeated 8 times, you need to move smoothly.
1. Stretching the legs
Lie on your back, raise your legs and bend at the knees. Lift the upper part of the body and pull it to your feet. Extend your right leg parallel to the floor. As you inhale, pull your right leg towards your body. Now repeat the exercise for the left leg.
2. Side bar
Lean on your right hand with your pelvis and legs on the floor. Place the foot of the right leg behind the left. As you exhale, lift your legs and pelvis off the floor, and lift your left hand up. The body should be stretched out in a straight line. Lock your body in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the plank on the other side.

3. Plank from the knee
Get on all fours, focus on straight arms. As you exhale, simultaneously straighten your right arm and left leg so that they are parallel to the floor. Do not bend, keep the spip straight. Return to starting position and switch arms and legs.
4. Shoulder bridge
Lie on your back, bend your legs, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your pelvis. The body should be extended in a straight line.
5. Leg circles
Lie on your back with your arms along your body. Bend your legs as for a shoulder bridge. Raise the body only up to the shoulder blades (shoulder blades remain on the floor) and at the same time the right leg. With the toes of your feet, draw 5 circles in the air, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Lower to the starting position, repeat for the left leg.