What Is Pilates. Benefits Of Pilates

What Is Pilates. Benefits Of Pilates
What Is Pilates. Benefits Of Pilates

Pilates is an exercise system that was developed by Josef Pilates for the development of the muscular corset. Joseph developed this system for himself, but later it was used for the rehabilitation of soldiers, as well as for the training of acrobats. Despite the fact that Pilates is a very effective exercise system, it has gained popularity recently.

What is Pilates. Benefits of Pilates
What is Pilates. Benefits of Pilates

Pilates principles

The effectiveness of Pilates is based on fairly simple principles, but they must be followed. Pilates principles:

  • smoothness of movements;
  • breath;
  • isolation and relaxation;
  • concentration and centering;
  • concentration of movements;
  • alignment;
  • gradualness;
  • regularity of classes.

The main principle of Pilates is breathing. Before you start practicing Pilates, you need to learn how to breathe. Breathe in before starting the movement, and exhale during the movement. Breathing should be chest, should provide maximum oxygen saturation.

All movements in Pilates are performed smoothly, without jerking, at an average pace. You need to perform the exercises in such a way as not to create tension in those areas that are not currently involved. Performing any exercise, you should concentrate on the technique of execution, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts.

When doing the exercises, it is very important to concentrate on the sensations that arise during the exercise. This principle allows you to achieve maximum effect and protect yourself from injury. The load should be increased gradually, as you master the exercises.

Benefits of Pilates


The benefits of Pilates for the body are very difficult to overestimate. The smooth movements help stretch and strengthen the muscles. In this case, the coordinated work of all parts of the body is achieved. The most important thing in Pilates is the quality of the exercise, not the speed or number of repetitions.

The peculiarity of Pilates is that even small and deep muscles are involved in training, which usually remain "idle" when performing a standard set of exercises.

Pilates is suitable for all fitness levels. Pilates is ideal for those who suffer from osteochondrosis, because the exercises performed are very careful with it. Pilates is recommended for those who suffer from chronic back, cervical and shoulder pain. There are cases when people were completely cured of these serious ailments with the help of Pilates.
