Healthy lifestyle ideas are becoming more and more popular all over the world. Modern people have known for a long time: if you do not go in for sports, it means that you are not in train. If extra centimeters began to appear on your sides, and the size of your clothes suddenly increased by one, then it's time to pull yourself together and start acting. How to get in shape while doing sports at home? A few secrets.

Today, extreme weight loss and activity systems are in vogue, which in fact have no health benefits and are a living hell.
Marathon runners on treadmills, exhausted from fatigue in gyms and pulling heavy kettlebells to numbness and loss of heart rate, sometimes it seems that this is exactly the “correct” and “maximally intense” fitness.
But what suits one person is not at all a joy to the other. Yes, and not good. To keep your muscles in good shape and gradually bring your body into shape, you need to give yourself a little physical activity first. The degree of difficulty and intensity of the load is individual for each.
Experienced trainers say that the main indicator of whether your body will be able to engage in a particular physical activity is how you feel about it at the moment. If you feel that you enjoy doing this, then you will do it without any problems in a year.
Observe yourself, what do you like to do? Alternatively, you enjoy dancing in front of the TV to a music channel. Not bad: both physical activity and emotional charge. Or maybe you enjoy flitting around with your dust brush around the house? Excellent! Kill two birds with one stone: open the windows, let in fresh air and, whirling around, clean the house at least all day.
Ignore the elevators and walk down and up the stairs. Get off a little early for work to get off the bus two stops early and take a walk.
Make a promise to yourself to exercise in the morning or run with your dog in the yard - don't postpone it. Start with 5 minutes and add 1 to 2 minutes of exercise at home every day.
People are often mistaken, believing that the most important thing is success, career, recognition and a decent salary. The most important thing in everyone's life is his state of health!