How Does Mantra Yoga Work? Nama And Rupa

How Does Mantra Yoga Work? Nama And Rupa
How Does Mantra Yoga Work? Nama And Rupa

Those who practice mantra yoga sooner or later wonder what the mechanism of this yoga is. After all, it gives truly tremendous results. And we want to know, at least in the first approximation, through what mechanisms this magic is.

Kak rabotaet mantra-joga? Nama i rupa
Kak rabotaet mantra-joga? Nama i rupa

Today we will touch upon a fundamental section of the yoga of form and name inseparability. In Sanskrit it sounds like "nama" and "rupa", which means name and form. Every name has a form, and every form has a name. And they always match!

What's a name? The name is a certain vibration of sound. We perceive it with the organs of hearing. If someone calls us by name, then some vibrations and air compression will reach us. If this is displayed in a graph, it will look like a pressure fluctuation. Once these vibrations hit our ears, they form vibrations on our nerve endings. These vibrations then transmit the signal to a subtler level.

As a result of this process, we understand that we were called. This is how the process looks externally. For our inner structure, there is a certain language. It is the correspondence between the vibration that occurs on the surface or inside our budhi and the object that builds budhi.

What is Budhi? Budhi (Skt.) Is a concept in Indian philosophy, an intellectual-volitional principle, reason. Budhi evaluates thoughts and ideas.

Here it is exactly the same. There is a sequence of what in budhi is an exact copy of the object that is represented in budhi. We can say that there is a proto-language, an original language that is understandable to everyone who has budhi. On the basis of this, there is even a belief that there is such a superpower of budhi - to understand all the languages of the world, as well as the languages of birds and animals. But this is already from the realm of fantasy and myths that surround yoga.

As soon as this or that information enters manas through the senses, a vibration is formed, and this vibration is an exact copy that is formed in budhi. As a result, we see the inseparability of name and form. It turns out that if we know the name and pronounce it, in budhi, at least for a split second, an image corresponding to the name is formed. This image, in turn, is able to compete with those images that come to us from the surrounding Universe.

And if a situation occurs that we have to see or perceive ourselves in one or another position, then in order to prevent the situation from unfolding, we replace the unnecessary object with the necessary one, as if squeezing out the unnecessary object. At the same time, we visualize the desired object and support it with a mantra.

The images of these objects begin to conflict with each other. The stronger of them wins! The one who we ourselves endow with this power becomes strong. It turns out that the impulse that we generated by our will goes from us to the surrounding Universe! And the surrounding Universe, in turn, begins to change the way we need it. Such a complicated mechanism!

We, controlling various images with the help of our imagination, reinforcing the mechanism with yantras, mantras, rebuild our entire Universe. Fantastic theory! It turns out that if you need any object or phenomenon, then you can provoke its appearance by repeating the mantra. The mantra will create the image, and the image will affect everything else. And the Universe will only adapt to this!

Of course, in reality this mechanism is much more complicated. This information is given only for the first understanding of how mantra yoga works. The main thing is that we do not get hung up on theory, but adopt practice. We choose a mantra and start changing our Universe!
