Like any muscle in the human body, the triceps requires a certain amount of work. There are many different complexes for training him, but each program is purely individual and is compiled for specific tasks and in accordance with the physiological characteristics of a person.

Working out triceps in the gym
Triceps is the triceps muscle of the shoulder, in its volume it is twice as large as the biceps. It is better to do triceps pumping two or three times a week, the muscles need sufficient rest to recover. Any workout should start with a light warm-up, otherwise there is a high likelihood of injury.
The basic exercise for training triceps is the bench press with a narrow grip. The narrower the grip, the stronger the triceps are included in the work, it is important to choose the optimal distance, on average, it is 20-30 cm between the thumbs.
Pressing the bar is best done with the help of a partner who will insure you and help you overcome the dead center in the last repetitions. An experienced gym partner is 50% successful in any training, especially in basic exercises where the weight of the sports equipment is large enough.
For the most effective triceps workout, swing your triceps and biceps. To do this, you can alternately use different exercises for both muscles, for example, alternating the bench press for the triceps and lifting the bar for the biceps. Muscle antagonists, working in pairs, will provide maximum gains in strength and mass.
An effective exercise for working out the triceps is the French press. You can do it while standing, sitting, or lying down. Depending on the position of the torso, you will work out various bundles of the triceps muscle. This exercise requires 4-6 sets, 8-12 reps each.
Triceps can be pumped on the uneven bars, do push-ups with a reverse grip of the wrists, do deep bends. Here you can use additional weights attached to the belt. The number of repetitions is from 6 to 12, the number of approaches is from 3 to 6, depending on the degree of your training.
Exercises for practicing at home
You can do triceps training not only in the gym, but also at home. So, alternating exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will strengthen and make massive and prominent not only your triceps, but also your biceps.
Push-ups from the floor or between two chairs are quite effective exercises for developing the triceps muscle. Do 6-8 sets, 12-15 reps each.
You can train your triceps using dumbbell exercises, which are available both in the gym and at home. For example, extending one arm with a dumbbell from behind the head, straightening an arm with a dumbbell in an inclined position with the knee resting on a chair or bench, etc.
It is worth noting that in any workout, the correct technique is important, without which there will be no maximum result from the work done. Make sure to do the exercises cleanly, to make the movement to the end.
Pay attention to your diet, proteins and carbohydrates should be present in sufficient quantities - the former ensure the growth of muscle mass, the latter provide the body with the necessary energy.