The problem of how to quickly get in shape arises with enviable regularity. Long New Year's holidays with traditional feasts contribute to the formation of extra pounds. Yes, and for vacation it does not interfere with acquiring a slimmer figure, so as not to look worse on the beach than others.

Step 1
The question of returning to its former form often arises in people who do not lead an active lifestyle. When a person spends many hours at a desk, muscles become sluggish, and excess calories are invariably deposited in fat folds. As a result, the shapes of the body lose their shape, and in order to return them, it is necessary to start actively moving. Sign up for a gym. If you don't like strength training and grueling workouts, go swimming, water aerobics, or dancing. Any load will do, the main thing is to attend classes regularly. And remember that going to the gym doesn't have to turn into a dull duty. Stock up on a positive attitude and motivate yourself with future results.
Step 2
The next important point in the take-back process is nutrition. Reconsider your diet - not only what you eat, but also the timing of your meals. Count calories, do not eat high-calorie foods before rest or sleep. In this case, all calories are not consumed, but stored as fat. Eliminate animal fats, replace them with vegetable ones. Avoid fast food, sugary soda, and beer. Distribute food throughout the day so that most of it occurs in the first half of the day, during your physical and mental activity. After 18 hours, it is better not to eat anything at all, with the exception of an apple or a glass of kefir.
Step 3
Another significant step towards getting a toned figure is drinking enough clean water. The fact is that water actively participates in the processes of cellular metabolism, with its deficiency, a large amount of unnecessary substances, or toxins, accumulates in the body. They interfere with normal metabolic processes and contribute to the deposition of fat cells. Therefore, drink at least two liters of water daily, moreover, if you drink it on an empty stomach, you will eat less food.
Step 4
Follow these three simple rules at the same time - then your figure will quickly get in good shape.