There are words and phrases in which combinations of sounds are selected in such a way that they have a strong effect on the human mind, body and subtle structures. They are called mantras.
Pol'za ot proiznesenija mantr
Benefits of yoga mantra:
When practicing mantra yoga, the human mind begins to develop intensively. The intellectual level rises.
A person who practices mantra yoga develops concentration of consciousness and it is easier for him to concentrate attention on an object. This skill is very important for people who follow the path of yoga, and people who live in modern society and have goals in life.
People who practice mantra yoga are better at coping with stress. The person becomes more and more calm in life.
A person who practices mantra yoga acquires a pleasant, beautiful voice. This is due to the fact that the mantra yoga eliminates defects and this is reflected in the voice.
A person who practices special mantras, getting rid of his karmic impurities, gains health.
A person who practices mantra yoga has more vitality, prana. Working with the voice, we acquire the energy of life.
People who practice mantra yoga develop their abilities. In the future, superpowers are acquired, or rather, revealed.
A person who practices mantra yoga later acquires the ability to influence the mind of other people. If you practice special mantras, you can tune the mind of other people to the right wave.
By the practice of mantra yoga it is possible to improve the karmic position. A person who practices mantra yoga, over time, destroys his negative karma, and acquires positive.
A person who practices mantra yoga develops his intuition.
A person who practices yoga mantra is rapidly approaching the knowledge of his "I".
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