Pregnancy is a joyful and at the same time very alarming state for any woman. A new life develops inside and it directly depends on the state of the mother. Many pregnant women wonder if yoga is acceptable during pregnancy?

5 reasons to do yoga during pregnancy:
Reason 1: Stabilization of emotions.
Yoga is very important during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that the woman's emotional stress occurs. Classes will relax the nervous system, quiet and calm music will bring calmness to the woman's state. During the relaxation period, the expectant mother will distance herself from disturbing problems.
Reason 2: Strengthening the body.
A specially selected course of yoga for pregnant women will reduce the load on the spine. Some of the exercises will prepare the muscles for labor. The lumbar section will be relaxed during classes, and this is important for the spinal and thoracic parts of the body.
Reason 2: Unity with the child.
Yoga exercises will help you focus on connecting with your baby. The calmness of the mother will relax and calm the child, allow him to enjoy the peace. Correct breathing will supply the baby with oxygen, and the mother at this time can direct all her energy to the comfortable state of her baby.
Reason 3: Preparing for childbirth.
Breathing exercises, stabilizing the nervous system will help cope with stress during childbirth. With proper breathing, the body is supplied with a kind of pain relievers from nature - endorphins. When practicing yoga, the body is saturated with additional energy.
Reason 4: Self-confidence.
Pregnant women often experience feelings of fear and anxiety. This is completely normal. Classes will solve many questions of self-doubt and self-confidence. The selected course of exercises will allow you to find strength within yourself and increase your self-esteem.
Reason 5: The benefits of exercise.
The benefits of using yoga during pregnancy have a positive effect on the entire body of a woman and her unborn baby as a whole. Reduction of stretch marks, a quick return of shape after childbirth, as well as the ability to control oneself are important factors in the benefits of using classes.