As in other oriental martial arts, in taekwando the attire of a fighter necessarily includes a kimono and a properly tied belt. The belt says a lot about the level of the athlete - there is a whole gradation of belt colors, according to which the student moves to new, higher levels, having proved his skills in exams and competitions. Beginners wear a white belt, and the most experienced fighters wear a red or black belt. Regardless of the color of the belt, you need to know how to tie it correctly - it is believed that a correctly tied belt is already part of the victory.

Step 1
Take the belt so that its ends are the same length, and fasten it to your stomach. Bring both ends back, and the end that goes on the right side, put it behind your back to the end that goes on the left side.
Step 2
Bring this end of the belt forward, directing it towards the middle of the abdomen, and out from under the belt from the bottom up. The end should hang down from the waist. After that, draw the second end along the upper circle, lead it forward and slip it under both layers of the belt from bottom to top.
Step 3
Tighten both ends. The end of the belt hanging down should be smooth and not twisted. Tie the end at the top and pull on both ends of the belt until you get a strong knot. Both ends hanging from the knot must be of equal length.
Step 4
When tying the belt, focus on the middle of it, located on the stomach, to ensure that both ends are symmetrical. To keep the kimono in place, always rotate the belt twice and straighten the ends as you tie.
Step 5
The outer end of the belt always grabs both turns of the belt from the front, and then comes out to the top. The correct knot in the taekwondo belt is tied horizontally.
Step 6
If you are a novice student, try tying the belt in one turn, using a belt 160-170 cm long to begin with. In the future, with increasing experience, you will be able to tie the belt in two turns according to all the rules.