How can modern parents build their relationship with their child? What does yoga think about this?
![Kak otnosit'sja k rebenku posle ego rozhdenija Kak otnosit'sja k rebenku posle ego rozhdenija](
After the baby is born, mom and dad surround him with constant care. In the first months of a child's life, the mother is especially important. Mom will feed and caress and warm you.
Dad is invisibly present in the child's life, he is very important for the baby, but the baby does not yet understand this. We give the child everything he needs at the beginning of life.
Then, when the child grows up, his view of the world changes. The world is getting wider! Already dad and other people appear in the baby's field of vision.
At the moment when the baby is able to realize and understand something, education begins. The relationship between the child and the parents is being built. But how to arrange them in the best way?
Yoga provides the answer to this question. The main recommendation is that we start treating the child like a Teacher or Teacher.
It may very well be that the soul of our child came to this world to share his knowledge! This is especially true for those parents who use yoga practices in their lives.
In any case, this attitude is a win-win position! Thanks to her, the child receives freedom in self-expression, freedom in choosing the vector of his development in his own life.
The task of mom and dad is to protect him at first from what may pose a danger to the life and health of the child. Not more! After all, we remember that the main thing in yoga is a harmonious approach to everything in our life.
The child will receive a certain degree of “lack of freedom” in any case. Yoga believes that the fact that the soul has incarnated into this world in the person of your child suggests that you already have some powers.
The child's soul has delegated to you the right to take care of itself until the moment when he himself can not do it. Reasonable restrictions will benefit the baby himself.
The task of parents is to learn to treat the child's actions as lessons for themselves. The entire universe gives us certain lessons through other people. And in the case of your own child, this is especially true. Therefore, interpret any antics of your offspring in such a way as if the Absolute itself was born to you.
There is an interesting analogy in religion. Orthodox Jews who live in Israel are still waiting for the mission! The adherents of Christianity, which arose later, as the Bible says, waited. And those who adhere to the Jewish faith are still waiting!
How does this manifest in their lives? This is manifested in the attitude of parents to the boy who was born to them. Imagine that a child was born, and he was initially treated as the savior of humanity! The child is given increased attention. They study with him, give music lessons, drawing. And what if it is him ?!
Yoga is not a religion! Yoga is a system of self-knowledge. But a similar situation can be traced in Generic yoga. And the attitude towards the child is as if it were a Teacher or a Teacher.
But it really is! Whatever soul is born, it will still teach you a lot. And even more so if this soul is highly developed! Therefore, you have nothing to lose.
We have given above an example with religious features of the attitude towards a child in certain directions. An example as an analogy. But there is a significant difference.
In religion, only a boy "deserves" high regard. It's not like that in yoga! The soul has no gender, therefore both a boy and a girl can equally benefit our life! And in some yoga schools, on the contrary, the emphasis is on girls! It is believed that the Teachers should come!
It will be great if you manage to build relationships on an equal footing! This is relevant for the age of your child when a certain core of consciousness begins to form. We build relationships with the child clear, natural and, of course, sane!
We try to explain to the child what is bad and what is good, and not just use prohibitions! We are raising a conscious personality! And the sooner we understand this, the better it will be for all family members.
Our task is to make friends with our baby! Then he will trust you, share what makes him happy and worried. And he will make his decisions wisely. All this is not easy, but possible. And very important!