The Reality Of The World And The Veil Of Maya

The Reality Of The World And The Veil Of Maya
The Reality Of The World And The Veil Of Maya

One cannot say about our world that there are only optimistic pictures around, but we also cannot say that everything is pessimistic around. Yoga tells us that we cannot see the real picture of the world, since the Supreme Reality is hidden by the veil of maya. And the Maya create an illusion, under which the true picture of the world is hidden.

Real'nost 'mira i pokryvalo maji
Real'nost 'mira i pokryvalo maji

It seems to us that the world is now positive, now negative, now neutral. Or striped, like a zebra, due to the circumstances of our life situation. In fact, these concepts do not apply to our world.

And to find out what the world really is, from the position of yoga, we can only when we reach a certain super-state. As ancient sources say, the action of an illusion that hides reality from us will disappear, and then we will know what our world is like.

This is exactly what yogis strive for. This is the Highest state that we will acquire when we walk the path of self-knowledge. Yoga gives us methods and practices that will lead us to this sooner or later.

And only when we acquire this state, we will understand what the world is. And yogis and yoginis, who went through the path of self-knowledge, transmitted this knowledge to us. Based on this, the only thing we can say about the world is that our usual judgments and categories do not apply to it.

The world is the place that gives us tremendous opportunities. Opportunities for development and self-knowledge. And when we reach the goal, as yogis and yoginis say, we will be overwhelmed by such a wave of joy and happiness, the strength of which we do not even know.

Until the world is revealed to us as it really is, we can see it as something negative, and for a long time. And we can also see our world as something extremely positive. The world will appear to us now so, then different, then bad, then good. But everything that will come to us in the world will, as yoga says, just a reflection of our aspirations, emotions, actions, expectations.
