Tantra - Sex Or The Path To Superconsciousness?

Tantra - Sex Or The Path To Superconsciousness?
Tantra - Sex Or The Path To Superconsciousness?

Tantra is the oldest science in the modern world. The Vigyan Bhairava Tantra treatise describes 112 techniques of meditation, more than five thousand years old. We can say that all philosophical trends and world religions grew out of it. But Tantra is not a philosophy or a religion. Tantra is a science that studies the human body and mind.

Tantra - Sex or the Path to Superconsciousness?
Tantra - Sex or the Path to Superconsciousness?

Tantra is considered to have something to do with sex. But this is where all the information is limited. But Tantra is not just sex. She uses sexual energy to enter meditation. Sexual energy is the only energy that we actually possess, but do not control. Everything that a person does is directly or indirectly related to sexual energy. It is used not only for the reproduction of their own kind, but also for creativity, imagination, work, relationships.

The energy of all our deeds and undertakings is taken from the sexual center. When this energy moves outward, it is colored emotionally - love, anger, fear, resentment, hatred, compassion. Without the energy of the sex center, these emotions would not be able to live. Compare children and old people - children are full of life - in their games emotions are bright, strong, and in an old person all emotions are dull or they are not at all - the energy no longer moves, it has frozen, barely smolders in the body.

Gradually, with growing up, the energy from the feelings goes into the mind and gets stuck there. An adult prefers thinking, common sense. All thought processes are driven by sexual energy.

Tantra teaches how to control this creative power. She uses it as a source to immerse herself in herself. For the disclosure of abilities, the realization of the true potential of a person. Control of the senses and mind.

One of the main conditions in the practice of Tantra is observation. This is a state of waking consciousness. A subtle, sensitive state in which it is possible to slow down the processes occurring in the body and mind. Therefore, Tantra uses the body as a starting point. The human body keeps great secrets and, revealing its secrets, a person knows himself as an energetic being. He recognizes his body as a physical shell, a planetary body of cosmic consciousness.

Sex is just one of the practices of Tantra. It is preceded by many techniques through which a person enters into meditation. Take a closer look at the depictions of the figures on the Khajuraho temples. There people are not just having sex - their faces are not identified, they are meditative. Their faces express states of bliss, the climax of any meditation.

Try, performing any action that is usual for you, to be completely and completely in the process. If you eat - feel the taste of food, enjoy it, and new colors will open to you. This is Tantra. If you are walking down the street - feel your body, every step, the air - which you breathe, be aware of everything around - this will be Tantra. You communicate with a person - be totally immersed in this communication, let your interlocutor become the center of the Universe for you - catch his every movement, sound of his voice, facial expressions. Look at him with love. He will feel it and will answer you with the same feeling - this is Tantra. If you are having sex with your partner, direct your entire focus of attention to action. Become an empathetic and quivering lover - be in every movement, feel your partner's breath, smell, voice. Become one, and then the small I will be lost in the Universe and only one big We will remain!
