Hot yoga is a great opportunity to get rid of extra pounds, make your body beautiful and fit. Ideal for those who want to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

Bikram yoga is a rather extreme form of yoga. The peculiarity and complexity of this direction lies in the powerful dynamic practice in a tropical climate. The average temperature in the gym is 40 ° C, the humidity is about 40%, so hot yoga is not suitable for everyone. It is contraindicated in people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as during pregnancy.
This style is designed for strong and resilient people. The lesson begins with performing simple yoga elements, but gradually the pace and load increase. At the same time, blood circulation increases. There is a strong warming up of the whole organism. The body becomes more flexible and plastic, so exercises are performed much easier, and prepared muscles and joints allow you to be in asanas painlessly. Thanks to the warming up of the ligaments, the likelihood of sprains is reduced to zero. You have the opportunity to work through each position.
Hot yoga is also indicated for people with sports injuries. This technique gained its popularity thanks to Bikram Chaudhry, who proved the effectiveness of this style by his own example.
Bikram yoga effect
During exercise, sweating actively helps to flush out toxins from the body. Gradually, practicing Bikram yoga, the skin becomes clear, a healthy complexion appears. This technique will be especially useful for those who suffer from the problem of excess weight - systematic practice allows you to remove unnecessary pounds. The manifestations associated with the presence of toxins in the body are also eliminated. The general state of health improves, a state of lightness appears.
A person becomes more active, collected, he has inner calmness and self-confidence. Yoga classes make the spine flexible, train the vestibular apparatus, prevent the occurrence of fatty deposits, strengthen muscles and joints, and rejuvenate the entire body.
Recommendations for classes
Consider the clothing issue for a more comfortable practice. Ideally, it should be made from natural materials. It is advisable to have water at hand during the lesson. Also, take a towel with you - it will most likely come in handy.
Since you will lose a lot of fluids during the practice, drink more water. 2-3 liters a day will help you replenish your body's water supply, which will save you from problems associated with dehydration.
2-3 liters of water is the daily consumption of fluid, which is excreted in any person through the skin, breath, kidneys and intestines.
At first, be careful and careful, as dizziness is possible in hot yoga. In this case, it is better to slow down and reduce the load. Lessons will gradually become easier. Try not to miss them and soon you will be able to see pleasant results of your work.