Raja yoga is called the yoga of Office, the yoga of the President. Raja yoga is a practical system for applying the will. The whole yoga system is one, but in this teaching there are different methods that work with different manifestations of a person. Such an ability to manage ourselves, to control the world around us is also our manifestation.

Raja yoga helps to coexist with the outside world, this yoga is managerial. Practicing Raja Yoga, we reveal in ourselves that hidden potential that we did not even know about.
Among the many other types of yoga, Raja Yoga occupies a high position. There is an opinion that this yoga should not be practiced before a person becomes familiar with other yogis, such as pranayama yoga, kriya yoga, hatha yoga.
These yogas, as it were, create the foundation for Raja Yoga. This is due to the fact that Raja Yoga studies the more difficult to perceive manifestations. These are subtle, mental processes that take place inside a person, in his head, in his consciousness. All these processes are based on Will.
In different systems of yoga, a different classification of the disciplines included in it is given. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describes the eightfold system of yoga steps, Ashtanga, which means "eight." Raja yoga in this system occupies the last four steps, which come after pranayam.
There are other yoga systems that describe other tools that Raja Yoga uses. But, nevertheless, everywhere this direction occupies a high position.
The teaching of Raja Yoga is built on some basic principles and is based on the axioms of Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga tells us about some super-logical things. But since we approach these things by means of logic, with the help of exercises that are understandable to our mind, then no violation of logic is observed.