Sport style

How To Remove Fat From The Sides

How To Remove Fat From The Sides

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Even a slender figure sometimes upsets its owners with a large amount of fat on the sides. Exercise will help to form a beautiful bend in this part of the body. You need to train regularly, only in this case you will get a quick and stable result

Why Is Chess Useful?

Why Is Chess Useful?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Chess was and remains one of the best intellectual games. Their benefits are undeniable. This game is an excellent "exercise" for the brain, synchronizing its hemispheres. The benefits of chess Chess played a significant role in the development of many now famous scientists, politicians, philosophers, artists and musicians

Athletic Girls

Athletic Girls

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

An ideal figure is one of the main aspirations of a girl. Ideal parameters are not always given by nature, but opportunities are always given to change oneself. This task is difficult, but patience and perseverance will definitely bring results

How Not To Get Better In The Fall

How Not To Get Better In The Fall

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Cool, rainy weather that replaced the summer heat is a great reason to cut back on walks in the fresh air and enrich your menu with more high-calorie dishes. The result of such changes will quickly affect your figure. Therefore, in the first days of autumn, you should think about how not to get better and keep slim

How To Learn To Make The Horizon

How To Learn To Make The Horizon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The horizon is one of the most beautiful, but at the same time, difficult elements for execution. Now the scheme of mastering this exercise will be presented to your attention, as well as what can really help in its early mastery. It is necessary Support, floor

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Wrinkles

How To Get Rid Of Armpit Wrinkles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Armpit folds are most common in overweight people, but they can appear even in the thinnest. This is due to weak pectoral muscles, poor posture, diet and even improperly selected clothing. It is necessary - medical examination by an endocrinologist

How To Pump Up The Lower Press

How To Pump Up The Lower Press

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A slender figure is completely impossible without a flat, tucked up tummy. However, for many women, it is the lower abdomen that is a constant source of grief and anxiety. Due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, it is in this part of the body that fat is most easily deposited, and even in very slender girls you can often notice this treacherously protruding fold

How To Learn Thai Boxing

How To Learn Thai Boxing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Thai boxing (Muay Thai) has become widespread in Russia. This is the national martial art of Thailand. In this single combat, you can strike not only with your fists, shins and feet, but also with your knees and elbows. Muay Thai is sometimes referred to as "

How To Develop Your Reaction Speed

How To Develop Your Reaction Speed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Boxing is one of those sports where a poorly developed reaction rate is not only the cause of sports failures, but also physical damage, and therefore reaction training is essential in the formation of a boxer's technique. Instructions Step 1 Ask your friend or other boxer from the training group to play with you a simple, but very effective game of developing reaction speed

How To Increase Arm Strength

How To Increase Arm Strength

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Strong arms make it possible to carry out any physical work easily and quickly. The beautiful muscular shape of the arms looks attractive to the opposite sex. Exercise every day and you will see positive results pretty quickly. It is necessary Dumbbells weighing from 0

How To Get A Powerlifting Rank

How To Get A Powerlifting Rank

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Powerlifting is powerlifting, in which grades and titles are awarded for a specific weight that an athlete gains in the sum of the squat, bench press and deadlift. It is important to understand the conditions for obtaining ranks for achievements in competitions

How To Twist A Hoop To Lose Weight

How To Twist A Hoop To Lose Weight

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A hoop, or hula hoop, can be an excellent assistant in the fight against weight and extra centimeters at the waist. The effectiveness of its effect increases significantly if this simulator is used in combination with healthy nutrition and fitness

Gymnastics For Women, Its Types

Gymnastics For Women, Its Types

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Every woman dreams of preserving (ideally forever) youth and beauty. Most people know that regular exercise helps to keep the skin toned, muscles in order and improve health. From time immemorial, women have known about the benefits of exercise, and thus they have been able to maintain a wonderful shape over the years



Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Who needs it? First of all, sick people. Traditional and alternative medicine fully supports her. Such gymnastics should not be confused with ordinary physical education. It is directed to a specific area of the muscles for a speedy recovery

Does Medical Gymnastics Help

Does Medical Gymnastics Help

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Physiotherapy has long been practiced as a remedy for all diseases, special exercises and breathing techniques were developed. Today, gymnastics is the official way to treat paralysis, curvature of the spine, orthopedic diseases, nerves and diseases of internal organs

Types Of Single Combats For Girls

Types Of Single Combats For Girls

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Any woman wants to be gentle and defenseless, but in the modern rhythm of life it is very rare to feel like a real woman. In pursuit of the ability to give change to an intruder from a night bar or a maniac, a woman decides to sign up for classes in aikido, wushu or other self-defense courses

Running From Scratch

Running From Scratch

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Every day, in the things around them (magazines, newspapers, television, the Internet), people see ideal men and women with magnificent bodies and dream of having the same. The most popular way out is to sign up for fitness and go there 3 times a week

Modern Shaolin

Modern Shaolin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Many people know the story of Shaolin from various films, myths and legends. But not everything we know is true. This monastery is located on Songshan Mountain in central China (Dengfeng city). It is distinguished from all buildings by its original architecture

How To Replace Morning Jogging

How To Replace Morning Jogging

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Thanks to running, immunity is strengthened, the heart and blood vessels are trained, extra pounds go away and the body fights stress. But it is not always possible to run every morning. There are excellent and effective alternatives to running that give great results

How Not To Quit Training

How Not To Quit Training

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

With the arrival of spring, many of us wake up with enthusiasm and want to put the figure in order in a short period of time. But quite often the desire to train quickly disappears. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand your mistakes

How To Quickly Build Biceps

How To Quickly Build Biceps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Novice bodybuilders are wondering how to quickly build biceps. Also, this topic is of interest to athletes who have been engaged for a long amount of time, but have not managed to achieve a significant increase in these muscles. Biceps of impressive size is an indicator of the excellent physical shape of a bodybuilder

Effects Of Cycling On The Body

Effects Of Cycling On The Body

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

To prevent diseases from making themselves felt, a person needs to constantly deal with himself. After all, often, while you feel good, you do not even remember about morning exercises. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will help keep the body in good shape

How To Get A Grade In Chess

How To Get A Grade In Chess

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Chess is a game with a history spanning tens of centuries. And for all the time it has not lost its importance for modern society. Chess is a fusion of science, art and sport. Many, in turn, are attracted by the sporting component of chess. It is prestigious to get a sports grade in chess, because chess players have long been recognized by society as intelligent and logical people

How To Learn To Fight A Girl At Home

How To Learn To Fight A Girl At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Today girls sometimes have to learn to fight. To get rid of too intrusive and even boorish fans. To fight back street hooligans or rapists. And just to feel more confident in an emergency. It so happened that nature has created women completely unadapted to successfully confront in a fight with men

How To Learn To Hold A Corner On A Horizontal Bar

How To Learn To Hold A Corner On A Horizontal Bar

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The corner on the horizontal bar is not the most difficult exercise. However, it requires strong abdominal muscles that work well under static loads. With the beginning of spring, many of us go outside to get rid of excess weight, give a more beautiful figure, improve physical condition

Concept And Types Of Fencing

Concept And Types Of Fencing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Fencing is more an art than a sport. In ancient times, almost everyone owned the art of fencing, as well as the art of horseback riding. And this is not surprising, in those days self-defense was indispensable. A sharp sword or cold sword saved the lives of their owners, if they knew how to use them, of course

How To Take A Belt In Judo

How To Take A Belt In Judo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Judo is a martial art that originated in Japan. It differs significantly from boxing, sumo and karate. Judo is a combat sport without the use of weapons, based on the technique of throws, painful holds, holds and strangles. Children studying the art of judo are awarded in a solemn atmosphere after successfully passing qualifying exams and are assigned belts of various colors

New Old Footbag

New Old Footbag

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Back in 1972, by pure chance, one of the most exciting games of our time was born - Footbag. John Stahlberger was walking through the city of Oregon. He was, as usual, worried about his injured knee and was occupied with the thought of his cure

Dance As A Sport

Dance As A Sport

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In human perception, sports are football, basketball, hockey, running, swimming … The sports world in our time is very diverse and the choice of direction remains with the person himself. There are also sports where it is interesting to watch the participants

How To Pull Up 100 Times

How To Pull Up 100 Times

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The very first exercise that everyone who has decided to take steps on the path to bodybuilding or just become stronger begins with is, perhaps, pull-ups on the horizontal bar. What is the scheme to achieve such colossal successes as pulling up 100 times?

How To Improve Impact Power

How To Improve Impact Power

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The power and speed of a blow is one of the fundamental factors of victory in contact martial arts. Many boxers today use the techniques of the professionals of yesteryear. Time is changing, and the techniques are subject to only minor improvements

Stretching - Stretching For The Whole Family

Stretching - Stretching For The Whole Family

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Stretching, or stretching in Russian, can be useful not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people, in addition, even for children and the elderly. Stretching exercises improve blood circulation, increase muscle elasticity, help with arthrosis, and improve posture

Man Is A Friend To A Dog, Or Features Of Sledding Sport

Man Is A Friend To A Dog, Or Features Of Sledding Sport

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The winter cold, snow and wind rarely stopped people to go outside. For some, it is, on the contrary, a native element. After all, there are places on our planet where snow lies almost all year round. It was there, on these remote ends of the Earth, in the harsh conditions of winter, that such a spectacular sport as dog sledding or sledding was born

Cardio Kickboxing - Kickboxing, Boxing, Muay Thai

Cardio Kickboxing - Kickboxing, Boxing, Muay Thai

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Cardio kickboxing is a sport that is a synthesis of seemingly incompatible disciplines such as kickboxing, aerobics and dance. By combining your kicks and punches in sequence, you get a whimsical dance. There is no room for pause, so get ready for some intense activity

From Training To "base"

From Training To "base"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

"Make a base!" - can often be heard in almost every gym. However, with the popularization of fitness in the domestic space, it has become possible very often to meet trainers who claim that if you are a beginner in iron sports, then for the first time you will have to forget about the barbell with dumbbells

How To Quickly Pump Up Biceps With Dumbbells

How To Quickly Pump Up Biceps With Dumbbells

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There is a certain set of exercises that allows you to quickly and effectively pump the biceps brachii with dumbbells. Remember: biceps are made up of two parts: short and long. It is necessary - dumbbells; - bench. Instructions Step 1 Take the starting position for this exercise

Stunt Riding - Spectacular And Dangerous Motorcycle Riding

Stunt Riding - Spectacular And Dangerous Motorcycle Riding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Stunt riding on a motorcycle is an unusually spectacular and relative new sport and a new word derived from the English "stunt" - stunt and "riding" - riding. For many people, it is even a scary and dangerous sport. This rather young sport appeared in England in the 80s, and Harry Rothl is considered the "

Riga Chess Magician

Riga Chess Magician

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Mikhail Nekhemievich Tal (1936-1992) received the nickname "Riga magician" for his ability to organize brilliant attacks, as it seemed, out of the blue. Mikhail was born and raised in Latvia. Tal was supremely genius, but, sadly, his genius coexisted with many diseases that had plagued him from his youth

The Most Unexpected World Chess Champion

The Most Unexpected World Chess Champion

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Mahgilis (Max) Euwe (1901-1981) was born and lived all his life in the Netherlands. He is the only Dutch world champion so far. Many treat him as the most unexpected owner of the chess crown. And this is regrettable, because this wonderful chess player does not deserve such a point of view

How To Find A Working Weight

How To Find A Working Weight

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Beginners in their first workouts in the gym should not be too zealous and do many different exercises. It is much more important to find the optimal working weight on the apparatus. This must be done only according to a special technique. It is necessary - gym