Does Medical Gymnastics Help

Does Medical Gymnastics Help
Does Medical Gymnastics Help

Physiotherapy has long been practiced as a remedy for all diseases, special exercises and breathing techniques were developed. Today, gymnastics is the official way to treat paralysis, curvature of the spine, orthopedic diseases, nerves and diseases of internal organs.

Does medical gymnastics help
Does medical gymnastics help

It is worth noting that these are not just exercises that treat some particular disease, the complex is aimed at improving the whole body and takes into account the individual characteristics of each.

In connection with the zealous campaigning for a healthy lifestyle, sections specializing in the treatment of physical exercises appear in cities and towns. However, one should not think that in a few days therapeutic exercises will help get rid of all ailments, as in all matters, a lot of patience and hard work is needed here. Instructors only direct each person on the path of the correct treatment, and playing sports after the prescribed course or not is everyone's business.

The first stage of remedial gymnastics consists of preparing the body for the exercise, a light warm-up workout helps in this. The main stage involves the implementation of those exercises that are aimed at achieving a result, here general exercises that are suitable for everyone are interspersed with special ones that are aimed only at a specific disease. The leader must make sure that the load corresponds to the physical fitness of each patient, and for those who have problems with it, there is a special technique. It consists in the sequential inclusion of different muscle groups in the work so that at the end of this stage the whole body is in the work.

At the final stage, the same method is used as for people with poor physical fitness, just the opposite. The load does not increase, but gradually decreases, breathing normalizes, the heart rate decreases, the body feels a little tired.


All this action can take a different amount of time, it all depends on how large the group is (it can consist of fifty patients) and on the personal capabilities of each of these people. At the beginning of classes, when the body is not yet accustomed to daily loads, it is required to engage in no more than 10-15 minutes, later new exercises are added and as a result, the training can continue for a whole hour.

Therapeutic exercises can be done at different times of the day, but the best time is still morning, immediately after waking up and before breakfast.

According to patients, gymnastics really works, although after classes you feel tired, but after some time, weakness and laziness are replaced by strength and vigor, which lasts until the evening.
