Every woman dreams of preserving (ideally forever) youth and beauty. Most people know that regular exercise helps to keep the skin toned, muscles in order and improve health. From time immemorial, women have known about the benefits of exercise, and thus they have been able to maintain a wonderful shape over the years.

The modern woman has to work, raise children and take care of the house. It is clear that with such a frantic rhythm, there is not always enough time or desire, or both. But gymnastics has now undergone significant changes. So, for example, there are many exercises that do not require unnecessary time resources and allow you to achieve good results.
Classical or French gymnastics allows you to make the skin more elastic, and the muscles tightened and elastic.

Dance gymnastics allows you to make movements smoother, increases the flexibility of the joints. This type of gymnastics has many admirers, since it is difficult to find a woman who does not like to dance. This gymnastics has a variety - jazz gymnastics - performing certain exercises with jazz music.
Aerobics - allows you to alternate gymnastics with stretching exercises. As a result, blood circulation improves and the cells of the body are better supplied with oxygen.

Yoga for women is a special set of exercises that develop joint mobility and strengthen the skeleton. This type of gymnastics came from the East, but immediately gained popularity.
Stretching is a combination of various exercises from yoga, modern dance and ballet performed to slow music.

Slavic gymnastics - such gymnastics allows you to open energy flows in the female body, based on ancient Slavic martial arts.
Bodyflex is not quite ordinary gymnastics, exercises in which are performed while holding the breath.
Qigong - Chinese gymnastics, slow movements to stylized music. They will allow you to relax and give rest not only to the body, but also to the head.

Regardless of which type of gymnastics you choose for yourself, the main thing is that it is effective, and you enjoy the exercise.