Anabolic Steroids: Myths And Reality

Anabolic Steroids: Myths And Reality
Anabolic Steroids: Myths And Reality

There are many myths associated with the use of anabolic steroids. Often, some statements contradict others, but this does not bother those who spread these rumors. In order to dispel misconceptions and return to reality, it is useful to begin with remembering that steroids are a medical drug.

Anabolic steroids: myths and reality
Anabolic steroids: myths and reality

Legality of steroids

Some believe that anabolic steroids are so harmful and dangerous that they can only be obtained on the black market. In reality, steroids are a medicine designed to help people recover faster from specific illnesses and serious injuries. The negative effects of steroids occur when inexperienced athletes, trying to get results as quickly as possible, take too large doses of drugs.

You can buy steroids at sports stores or pharmacies. The drugs sold on the black market are often not steroids. If you are lucky, then there will be some harmless component, for example, chalk. There are cases when, under the guise of such steroids, formulations were sold, in which rat poison was mixed. In pharmacies, steroids are only sold by prescription, but in online stores you can sometimes find them relatively freely available.

Negative effects after taking steroids

It is believed that steroids cause a person to become aggressive. This is true to some extent, but only if the person already has mental problems. By themselves, steroids do not affect the state of the psyche, they simply stimulate the metabolism, exciting the body, so any pathological conditions will manifest themselves much stronger. For example, caffeine has a similar effect, but to a much lesser extent.

When an athlete starts taking anabolic steroids, his blood testosterone levels rise. But this is not at all the hormone of aggression, as it is sometimes called in the yellow press. Testosterone causes positive emotions in men, makes them more purposeful. However, increased testosterone levels speed up some processes, for example, if a person has a genetic tendency to early baldness, then steroids can contribute to this process.

Unsubstantiated claims about steroids

Sometimes you can hear statements about the dangers of steroids, which are not supported by any reason. There is no research to prove or disprove this. It is to such statements that the opinion that steroids cause prostatitis or that their use in adolescence leads to stunted growth belongs to.

Negative facts about anabolic steroids

Steroids are thought to be toxic, damage the liver and negatively affect the kidneys. This is true, but the drug is no more dangerous than any other drug. And it is definitely no more harmful than alcohol. In no case should the dose of steroids be increased above the permissible norm. To minimize the effect on the liver, injectable steroids are recommended.
