It is difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who would not dream of a slender and beautiful figure. A well-developed embossed press is not only a spectacular appearance, but also your health. A set of exercises that you can do at home will help you significantly improve the condition of your abdominal muscles.

Step 1
To become the owner of a beautiful embossed press, 20 minutes of daily workouts are enough. Do not be lazy and follow the regularity of your classes. Once you have achieved what you want, do not stop training and maintain the achieved result.
Step 2
Exercise either on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating. Do the exercises of the complex one by one, do not be distracted. Try not to take long pauses between sets and during the exercise.
Step 3
Perform all exercises lying on your back on the floor. Do 2 sets of 15 times for each, except for the last. It requires the maximum number of repetitions. Movements should be smooth, stretching, soft. Take your time and watch your breath.
Step 4
In the first exercise, bend your legs and place them shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, stretch to your knees, while clasping your hands in a "lock" at the back of your head. Then, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
Step 5
Without taking a break, move on to the next step. The starting position is the same. Exhaling, slowly lift your shoulders off the floor and stretch along the outside of the body with your palms alternately to the left, then to the right heel, returning to the starting position. At the same time, press your lower back to the floor. Relax for 10-15 seconds.
Step 6
Using the same starting position, having joined your hands in a "lock" at the back of your head, as you exhale, simultaneously raise your shoulders and legs, slightly bent at the knees. Stretch gently towards your legs, make sure that the muscles of the pelvis, abs and hips work. As you inhale, take the starting position.
Step 7
The last exercise is a short contraction of the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, raise your shoulders, straighten and join your hands (right palm over left) and, placing them between your knees, stretch forward. After exhaling, return to the starting position.