Every day, in the things around them (magazines, newspapers, television, the Internet), people see ideal men and women with magnificent bodies and dream of having the same. The most popular way out is to sign up for fitness and go there 3 times a week. But many justify themselves by the fact that they do not have enough money to constantly go to the gym and eat right, saying that a healthy lifestyle is still an expensive pleasure. Let's reveal all the secrets.

You can go in for sports without spending a single penny, but you need to start eating right from small, that is, limit yourself to a minimum (refusal of fried, flour, fatty foods) and be sure to drink as much water as possible.
So, there are certain rules of running for beginners. First, you need to run slowly. You should not rush as if a maniac is chasing you, because this is extremely tiring and the person loses his position much faster. That is, if you jog, you can run twice the distance than you can run headlong. With light running, a base is formed that is necessary for all athletes.
The next step is time. At first, it will be very difficult to run a long distance. Don't torture yourself. A beginner starts from 5 minutes and reaches a time of more than 40 minutes, since it is after 40 minutes of physical activity that the body turns on the biological processes of fat burning.

And the last point is the number of workouts per week. To achieve the best result, you need to run 4 times a week, leaving 3 days to restore the body's strength. In a 3-day break, it is better to shake the press, do stretching, go to the pool.
Now a few tips. Doctors do not recommend running with headphones, as there is a distraction from breathing and pulse. And in general, while running, brilliant ideas can be born in the head, since this is a kind of meditation, and music will only confuse thoughts. But for many, music helps maintain the rhythm and energy of the running itself. Also, do not run immediately after eating, because instead of enjoying yourself, only discomfort will be received. And the obligatory action before running is a warm-up, which will help prepare all your muscles for physical activity. And warming up the muscles will prevent soreness after training.
So, those who use eternal excuses are simply lazy, because playing sports does not always require large financial costs and a huge waste of time. The main desire.