Sport style
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Downhill riding is one of the favorite winter activities. And it is not so important what you are going to ride, be it ice, sled, cheesecake or something else, you must follow certain rules of safe behavior. So you will protect yourself and the child, the time spent on the slide will bring only positive emotions
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most exciting and beautiful sports today. To do rhythmic gymnastics, you need special flexibility, innate grace, plasticity and a sense of rhythm. If a person has all these inclinations at a young age, he will be able to achieve significant results in this field
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Boxing is a sport of strong mind and body. CCM in boxing is a worthy degree in a boxer's career, for which you will have to sweat in training in the gym, and then confirm your knowledge and skills in the ring. But having received a CCM in boxing, you will begin to respect yourself more for dedication and receive recognition and respect in the person of your environment
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Since ancient times in Japan, the skill of using a sword was considered one of the most important. The katana, or samurai sword, was more than just a symbol. It was a deadly weapon in the hands of a trained samurai. How can one learn to wield a sword in modern conditions?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Bodybuilding became very popular in the USSR in the 80s of the last century. It was then that many people learned about such athletes as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johnny O. Jackson, Valery Bogdanovich, Stanislav Polyakov, etc. Having once chosen these people as the standards of masculinity and beauty, modern bodybuilders began to strive to obtain similar results, diligently pumping up their biceps, triceps and other muscles in your body
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Beautiful, pumped-up legs are the dream of anyone who goes to the gym. Gaining muscle mass in the legs provides greater stability, increases endurance, and this is far from all the benefits. With the purposeful pumping of the legs, the general process of mass gain is started, the process of muscle growth of the whole body is accelerated
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
A rifle is a small arms that, when firing, must be held with both hands and additionally rest against the shoulder. Learning to shoot from it is not difficult. The main thing is to have a good eye and perseverance. Instructions Step 1 First, decide for yourself why you want to master this weapon
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
No jumping aerobics training program is complete without a rondat - a flip jump. It is from this base that flak, somersaults, pirouettes and many other complex acrobatic combinations begin. From the outside, these exercises look quite simple, but good physical fitness is required for this
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
A person who owns contactless combat scatters his opponents without even touching them. Proximity combat is the pinnacle of skill in martial arts. Only a few masters of oriental martial arts own it. Also, this battle is taught to elite special forces soldiers
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Knowing how to take a punch will help you in any fight. And despite the fact that professionals advise not to bring a blow to a blow, the ability to take a blow is the main advantage of a talented athlete. Instructions Step 1 The first step on the road to success is insurance
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Now there are a lot of all kinds of schools and sections of martial arts, which are taught by experienced instructors. This provides tremendous opportunities for all people for physical growth. How to choose a martial art in the modern variety of its types?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Harmoniously developed arms are usually associated with large biceps. But what if you simply don't have time to go to the gym, but you still want to have a beautiful body? The solution is simple - to pump up biceps at home is not so difficult, the simplest sports equipment and half an hour a day are enough
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The Tour de France is the most famous and prestigious bicycle race in the world. The super bike race runs from late June to early July on the highways of France and Belgium. The Tour de France consists of 20 stages and one prologue and lasts 23 days
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
"Swallow" is the most beautiful element of figure skating, which can be performed in different ways: slide straight or along arcs, forward or backward. To learn how to make a "swallow", you first need to firmly master its basic version
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In the combat training of an athlete, it is important to teach him how to strike blows as quickly as possible. It is not only its physical characteristics that are important, but also the quick reaction of the attack. There is a special set of methods that will gradually form a high-speed punch
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In order to play a game of billiards and win it, you need to know about some points from the very beginning. It is split and strut. Instructions Step 1 Let's start with the counter. It should be remembered that if you are not yet a professional and do not know how and cannot put your hands on the machine, then you should not adjust the position of your body after an attempt to expose
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Nordic walking is Finnish Nordic walking. It is quite effective for athletes who need regular endurance training. Moreover, this is a sport that has practically no restrictions on age and health. Walking like this is especially beneficial for people over 40
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Many doctors, athletes and coaches note the negative impact of strength sports - bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, strength extreme - on a person's height. Especially at the age of 14-18. However, there is also an alternative opinion on this score
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Even the simplest physical activity has a beneficial effect on the human body. Zumba dance exercises help the body to loosen up, remove clamps and blockages, get rid of stress, feel the ease of movement, and cheer up. Nowadays, the fiery dance “Zumba” has become very attractive among fitness lovers
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Karate and judo are Japanese martial arts, which, in the eyes of an unprepared person, are not much different, so it is difficult to make a choice between the two. They are actually different systems that use different techniques. To choose one of them, you need to decide on the purpose of studying the martial arts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Periodic jogging is the best option not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to keep fit in perfect condition. If your goal is to eliminate excess body fat, then it is important to know how to run properly in order to lose weight. Psychological attitude One of the decisive factors in the desire to start running is psychological motivation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
"The path of flexibility", "The soft path" - these are the names of the popular Japanese martial arts Judo. Not just a sport, but a whole philosophy based on the principles of mutual assistance and understanding. Classes that educate not only the body, but also the spirit, self-control, adherence to etiquette, gather their fans all over the world
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
There are many types of martial arts, each of them has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. The balance of positive and negative qualities is not always observed and it is important to take this into account when choosing a sports section
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
As in other oriental martial arts, in taekwando the attire of a fighter necessarily includes a kimono and a properly tied belt. The belt says a lot about the level of the athlete - there is a whole gradation of belt colors, according to which the student moves to new, higher levels, having proved his skills in exams and competitions
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
A well-developed chest is the hallmark of all bodybuilders. They devote a fairly large amount of time to training for its development. A developed chest allows its owner, even without pumping up the muscles of the arms or the press, to look powerful
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
If you decide to get stronger and more enduring, start exercising your muscles. In adolescence, the best sports equipment for pumping muscles are the horizontal bar and parallel bars. From about 16 years old, you can begin to master strength exercises with dumbbells and a barbell
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Like any muscle in the human body, the triceps requires a certain amount of work. There are many different complexes for training him, but each program is purely individual and is compiled for specific tasks and in accordance with the physiological characteristics of a person
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Passive muscle training with a muscle stimulator seems to be a very attractive solution for those who are lazy or have no time to work out in the gym. But it is not worth hoping for outstanding results using only the butterfly muscle stimulator for training the press
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
It is important to understand for novice athletes that not only body weight is important to enhance the impact, but also the inertia that occurs at the moment of impact. This is a key moment in the combat direction, which will help us to make the blow more powerful
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The whole world watched how athletes compete at the Olympics in a new sport - team figure skating competitions. These Olympic Games will be remembered by the whole world not only for their scale, but also for the introduction of new types of competitions
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Recovering from fitness and sports requires proper rest. The result from the classes will be maximum and fatigue will not prevent you from doing household chores if you follow simple rules. Instructions Step 1 Cool down to recuperate after your workout
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
It would seem that what is easier - fell and wrung out. It turns out not. If you have never done this, then the first push-up attempt from the floor can cost you a lot of effort with very modest results. But this type of exercise even has its own world record holders, such as, for example, the Englishman Paddy Doyle, who once managed to push up 37,000 times during the day
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Proper nutrition is an essential component in creating a "beautiful" body. It should include many of the essential ingredients. Also, a healthy diet should follow a number of basic principles, especially if you are a bodybuilder. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the body's main energy supplier
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The biceps is a large, highly visible muscle in the front of the shoulder. Many athletes put a special emphasis on her training. The main function of the biceps is to flex the arm at the elbow joint. That is why exercises for pumping it up consist of this movement
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Sport makes life fun and enjoyable. You exercise regularly, become strong, confident and compare favorably with your peers in terms of body beauty. And what if recently the state of health somehow does not correspond to the high ideals of a healthy lifestyle
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
To get your body in great shape in the shortest possible time, you need to know what actions are used to burn more calories. This issue is especially relevant for women who want to quickly lose weight for the summer season or for a vacation abroad
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The dream of strong and beautiful muscles can easily become a reality with a little effort and patience. Set aside an hour daily for dumbbell exercises, and your figure will take on attractive shapes. The effect will not be long in coming. Instructions Step 1 For the pectoral muscles, an exercise is well suited - spreading dumbbells from a prone position
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Gainer is a cocktail of proteins and carbohydrates. The latter in the composition is usually from 50 to 70%, and proteins - from 15 to 30%. The supplement promotes faster post-workout recovery and weight gain. Do I need a gainer Regular food contains sufficient protein and carbohydrates
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Usain Bolt is currently the fastest man on the planet. He is a seventeen-time world champion and holder of at least eight world records that have not been broken by anyone. He achieved his success largely due to natural potential. Genetics His height is 195 centimeters and weighs 94 kilograms
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
It will be convenient in skates if you choose them taking into account the purpose, the anatomical features of the leg. There are models created for different sports. Adults and children's skates have design features. The difference concerns the boot itself, the mount and the blade