Even a slender figure sometimes upsets its owners with a large amount of fat on the sides. Exercise will help to form a beautiful bend in this part of the body. You need to train regularly, only in this case you will get a quick and stable result.

You don't have to work out in the gym or in a group workout at the fitness center to burn side fat. By doing a simple set of exercises at home, you can also cope with this problem.
Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles
Straighten, spread your legs as wide as possible, put your palms together, raise your hands up. Exhale and tilt your body forward, try to keep it parallel to the floor. In this position, twist at the waist to the right, then to the left, breathe evenly. Do the exercise for 15 seconds continuously. If physical fitness does not allow you to hold the body for so long, perform the exercise in 2 - 3 sets. Inhale and straighten.
From the previous position, move on to the next exercise. Exhale and bend your body to the left, while trying to keep your hips in one place. Hold the position for 2 seconds. Then, taking a breath, straighten up. Tilt to the right. Repeat the exercise 15 times in both directions.
Lower your hands, leave the rest of the position the same. Lean to the left, then straighten quickly and bend to the right. Try to do the exercise at the fastest pace for a minute.
Lie on your left side, keep your body slightly raised above the floor, lean on your palms, elbows should be bent, legs extended. With an exhalation, straighten your arms, raise your body as vertically as possible, feel how the lateral abdominal muscles on the right have contracted. As you inhale, lower yourself back down to the floor. Complete 25 lifts. Then roll over to your right side and repeat the exercise.
Roll over onto your back, spread your arms to the sides, raise your legs above the floor and bend them at the knees. Exhale and place your feet to your right on the floor. As you inhale, lift them up again. As you exhale, lower your left legs to the floor. When doing the exercise, try to keep your back on the floor as much as possible. Make 15 turns in each direction.
Lying on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, put your feet on the floor. As you exhale, simultaneously raise your left arm and right leg up, cross them. When inhaling, lower yourself completely. On the next exhale, use your right hand and left leg. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Lie on your stomach, lower your arms along your body. Lift the body and swing it from side to side. Do it for 2 minutes. If your lower back begins to hurt, do the exercise not in one approach, but in 3 - 4. Then get on all fours, direct your lower back as high as possible and hold this position for 1 minute.
Hula Hup
This gymnastic apparatus has established itself as one of the best tools for shaping a thin waist. To get quick results, follow the basic rules. First, choose the optimal weight of the hoop for yourself, the hula hoop should not be too light. Secondly, the duration of the lesson should be 40 minutes or more. Third, exercise every day. At first, bruises may form on the waist after exercise, gradually the skin will get used to it. Then training will only bring pleasure and excellent results.