Cardio kickboxing is a sport that is a synthesis of seemingly incompatible disciplines such as kickboxing, aerobics and dance. By combining your kicks and punches in sequence, you get a whimsical dance. There is no room for pause, so get ready for some intense activity.

It's time to dance. When doing cardio kickboxing, you will throw punches into the air. If, when working with sports equipment, paws, shields, bags and pillows put up opposition, now you will have to create the necessary resistance yourself. Striking aimlessly "nowhere" can injure your shoulder, elbow, or lower back, so aim aimlessly. To do this, try to imagine that you are hitting a bag, which, standing in the path of impact, will prevent the full extension of the elbow or knee joint, and therefore minimize the risk of injury, so control the range of all your actions.
Do not forget also about "striking" places and about the preferred points of application of strikes on the body of an imaginary opponent. After all, there is no need to strike a direct blow to the head, even if it is the head of an imaginary opponent. Firstly, because you will lose strength, and secondly, this blow will be more effective if applied to the abdomen.
Have you ever had back problems? Believe me, this is not a joke! But you can avoid them if you adhere to the following rules: do not kick at a high level unless you feel absolutely prepared for it; watch how you strike with your feet and make them hit exactly on an imaginary target; do not use careless or accidental air strikes; do not make inertial movements. If you feel discomfort, much less pain, stop immediately and walk calmly until you feel ready to continue the exercise. Kicking above your head can hurt, stretch, or injure your muscles. You can also work out perfectly by striking with your feet at a higher level.