
How To Do Tricks On Snowskate

How To Do Tricks On Snowskate

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Snowskate is an excellent sports equipment that is suitable for performing all kinds of tricks in the winter season. You can jump onto parapets and slide over them without losing your balance. However, for this you need to understand the theory of tricks and consolidate their performance in practice

Why Cycling Is Losing Its Appeal In Russia

Why Cycling Is Losing Its Appeal In Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The results of the Russians' performance in the track at the London Olympics look depressing, although they turned out to be quite expected. A pattern can be traced: cycling is losing its attractiveness in our country, and at the same time, the ratings of Russian athletes are decreasing

How To Become A Member Of "Lady On A Bicycle"

How To Become A Member Of "Lady On A Bicycle"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For the first time in Russia, the Sokolniki Park will host the Lady on a Bicycle bike parade. The event is scheduled for August 5th. At 12 o'clock there will be a "Start" of the bike ride, in which all ladies can take part, but certain conditions must be observed

How To Build Hamstrings

How To Build Hamstrings

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In order to effectively pump the hamstrings of the hip, it must be remembered that this muscle group is actively involved when the body bends forward, in running and walking. To maximize the development of this group, as a rule, two main types of exercises are used:

Why Evgeni Plushenko Withdrew From The Competition At The Olympics

Why Evgeni Plushenko Withdrew From The Competition At The Olympics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For the first time in thirty years, the Russian national team was left without a skater who was supposed to represent the country in men's singles at the Olympic Games. A few minutes before the start of his short run, Evgeni Plushenko is withdrawn from the competition

How To Remove Belly By Summer

How To Remove Belly By Summer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A beautiful and flat stomach is the cherished desire of many people. Summer usually means beach holidays, revealing outfits, etc. It is at this moment that I especially want to look in good shape. You can remove your belly by summer if you follow a simple diet and exercise daily

How To Get Rid Of Underarm Creases Effectively

How To Get Rid Of Underarm Creases Effectively

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Armpit folds are not just a problem for people who are overweight. Often, such imperfection of the body is formed from wearing tight clothes made of synthetics, or curvature of posture. Get rid of unattractive wrinkles with exercise and beauty products

What Are Roller Skis

What Are Roller Skis

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Modern sports are a huge variety of sports activities, among which everyone can find for themselves the one that will be interesting to him. At the same time, they sometimes require very unusual equipment. Rollerski is a special sports equipment that resembles skis in shape, since it is an elongated narrow strip made of plastic, however, it is equipped with roller wheels

How To Develop Strength Endurance

How To Develop Strength Endurance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Strength endurance is defined as the ability to maintain optimal strength levels over a long period of time. Much attention is paid to the development of strength endurance in the training of boxers, wrestlers and representatives of martial arts

How To Pump Up Your Upper Back

How To Pump Up Your Upper Back

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In order to pump up the upper back, there is a special set of exercises. 10-15 minutes of daily workouts are enough to achieve excellent results. At the same time, do not forget about proper and balanced nutrition. Necessary - dumbbells

How To Make A Manual

How To Make A Manual

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Skateboarding has become a fairly common hobby among young people today. Most people are attracted by the beauty of the exciting tricks performed by experienced craftsmen. Behind the external lightness and ease of each of them are long training sessions

Jump Rope - Best Friend

Jump Rope - Best Friend

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A healthy lifestyle gives us a positive attitude, health and, of course, beauty of the body. Sports offer a wide variety of methods. The jump rope is a good helper to achieve the desired goal. Make the rope your best friend and she won't let you down

Ayrton Senna Is The Best Driver In Formula 1 History

Ayrton Senna Is The Best Driver In Formula 1 History

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Ayrton Senna da Silva is a great Formula 1 driver, always striving for excellence. His career was cut short during the 1994 São Paulo Grand Prix. At that time, he was already a three-time world champion and was striving for a fourth title. For many, Formula 1 is associated with the great racer Ayrton Senna da Silva, who during his career managed to become the champion in the Royal Races three times

What Bethany Hamilton Is Known For

What Bethany Hamilton Is Known For

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The name of the American athlete Bethany Hamilton was recognized by people all over the world, even not interested in professional sports. Bethany survived a shark bite and returned to professional sports. Documentary and feature films were made about the life of an unbroken girl

Khuresh - National Tuvan Wrestling

Khuresh - National Tuvan Wrestling

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Wrestling is considered one of the most ancient types of martial arts, and, we mean not some specific kind of it, but wrestling as a whole. Even in ancient historical sources, we find confirmation of these words, and it is simply impossible to determine the exact age of a particular national type of wrestling, with the exception of sambo or judo

For Which Lance Armstrong Was Stripped Of The Title Of Winner Of The "Tour De France"

For Which Lance Armstrong Was Stripped Of The Title Of Winner Of The "Tour De France"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

24 August 2012 was the saddest day for all cycling enthusiasts, referees and cyclists. On this day, the head of the United States Anti-Doping Committee (USADA) made a statement that the famous American cyclist Lance Armstrong had stopped trying to justify his suspicions of doping

Testosterone Propionate And Its Use In Sports

Testosterone Propionate And Its Use In Sports

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The use of a drug called "Testosterone propionate" is gaining more and more popularity among athletes. Today it is one of the most sought after steroids in bodybuilding. General information Testosterone is a well-known hormone that is extremely important for men

How To Build Back And Arm Muscles

How To Build Back And Arm Muscles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Many people are thinking about how to make your back and arms stronger, strengthen muscles and give your body an attractive look. If you firmly set a goal for yourself, then you can build strong muscles of the back and arms at home. For this you only need perseverance and willpower

How To Start Push-ups

How To Start Push-ups

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It's easy to build muscle with push-ups. However, this exercise must be done correctly. There is a special training technique with different loads on muscle groups. Instructions Step 1 Begin doing push-ups at the lowest load

How To Do Push-ups Without Legs

How To Do Push-ups Without Legs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

When performing push-ups from the floor, several muscle groups are involved - deltoids, triceps, pecs and abs. In addition, strength endurance, agility and strength qualities are actively developing. Push-ups can be made more difficult by doing this exercise without legs

What You Need For Jogging

What You Need For Jogging

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Running is perhaps the most convenient and easily accessible means of developing your body. Almost everyone can go jogging, in absolutely any conditions and places. Instructions Step 1 To start running, you need to choose a time that you will have regularly free at least 5 days a week

How To Learn To Squat Many Times

How To Learn To Squat Many Times

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Squats are very helpful in maintaining muscle tone in your legs and back. However, many unsportsmanlike people cannot sit down even several times. The thing here is that muscles cannot withstand heavy loads without prior preparation. Instructions Step 1 Squats are very useful for the body, but at the same time, quite a difficult exercise for an untrained person

Evgeny Platov: Personal Life And Career In Figure Skating

Evgeny Platov: Personal Life And Career In Figure Skating

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Evgeny Arkadievich Platov is a Soviet and Russian figure skater, the only two-time champion in the history of figure skating. In the history of sports, there are many bright and unique personalities who have defended and continue to defend the honor of the country and the flag

How To Increase Breast Volume

How To Increase Breast Volume

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Aesthetic breast augmentation surgeries are not cheap. And the consequences after their implementation can be unpredictable. Therefore, women often look for alternative breast augmentation methods. One of them is based on performing specialized physical exercises

How To Lose Weight In 4 Hours A Week

How To Lose Weight In 4 Hours A Week

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Losing weight with a minimum of personal time on diet and exercise is possible. This was proved by the American Tim Ferris. The young man became famous by writing a book about a businessman's 4-hour workweek. Girls on this program get rid of a pair of clothing sizes without much effort, in just 8-12 weeks, doing just 3 exercises

Anabolic Steroids: Myths And Reality

Anabolic Steroids: Myths And Reality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are many myths associated with the use of anabolic steroids. Often, some statements contradict others, but this does not bother those who spread these rumors. In order to dispel misconceptions and return to reality, it is useful to begin with remembering that steroids are a medical drug

How To Tighten Your Glutes For Beach Season

How To Tighten Your Glutes For Beach Season

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Tight and toned buttocks will never go out of style. A beautiful body is pride. The beach season is just around the corner, and you should think about the state of your figure. A special set of exercises for the buttocks will help you with this

How Is The Preparation For The Euro Going

How Is The Preparation For The Euro Going

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

On May 25, 2012 the Russian national team will play a friendly match with the Uruguay national team in preparation for the final stage of Euro 2012. This match will be a control match, and the coach of the national team Dick Advocaat will have to make sure that all the athletes invited to the team deserve a ticket to the European Championship

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Workout Program

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Workout Program

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

He is considered the most famous bodybuilder in the world. In addition, he managed to visit an actor in Hollywood and a governor in Texas. Truly, everything that Arnold Schwarzenegger touches turns to gold. Many athletes still practice according to a plan developed by a young athlete, and dream that they will also be able to achieve such heights that their idol managed to achieve

How To Play Bowling Correctly

How To Play Bowling Correctly

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Bowling is a sports game, the essence of which is to knock down the pins set at the end of the lane with the ball being launched. Bowling acquired its modern look at the end of the 19th century, and its prototype was the game of bowling pins

How To Learn Russian Billiards

How To Learn Russian Billiards

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Russian billiards is the only type of game where you can score both "your" and "someone else's" ball. Compared to other types of billiards, there are additional opportunities in the game. Instructions Step 1 Take a cue in your hands, grab it with two fingers of your right hand:

European Championship Without Champions Sochi

European Championship Without Champions Sochi

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

On January 26, 2015, the European Figure Skating Championship starts in the most beautiful city of Scandinavia - Stockholm. Each country has the right to represent three applicants in all categories: men's and women's singles, pair skating and ice dancing

How To Buy Figure Skates

How To Buy Figure Skates

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In anticipation of the winter cold, there are announcements of the opening of ice rinks and the sale of skates. Sports stores are vying with each other to offer the best options for the soul and wallet. However, before deciding on the choice of skates, you need to get complete information

How To Get To The Bike Parade In Moscow

How To Get To The Bike Parade In Moscow

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In 2012 alone, several bicycle parades were held in the capital of Russia. The largest of them, with more than 5,000 participants, took place on May 20. Bicycle parades are held within the framework of the Year of Cycling Development, but their organizers promise that such events will be held in Moscow in the future

How To Defeat Your Opponent

How To Defeat Your Opponent

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Some athletes, even with impeccable technique, cannot find their way to victory in any way. Maybe it's a matter of psychology. Character traits that ensure victory are brought up from childhood. These are not the most positive qualities for life - aggressiveness, cruelty, perseverance

Why Did Fedor Emelianenko Lose To Ryan Bader? The Real Reason

Why Did Fedor Emelianenko Lose To Ryan Bader? The Real Reason

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

On January 27, 2019, the long-awaited UFS BELLATOR battle took place between the "emperor" Fyodor Emelianenko and a new fighter who managed to make his way to UFS in just a year - Rain Bader. Many viewers, mostly Russians, were waiting for a truly spectacular fight, in which Fedor Emelianenko would win by a powerful knockout

Yulia Lipnitskaya Fell In The Short Program

Yulia Lipnitskaya Fell In The Short Program

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In figure skating, there was only one set of unplayed medals - in women's single skating. Great hopes were pinned on a young athlete - Yulia Lipnitskaya. There are few days left until the end of the Olympic season. In figure skating, only one set of medals has not yet been played - in women's single skating

How Was The World Paper Airplane Launching Championship

How Was The World Paper Airplane Launching Championship

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The World Paper Airplane Launching Championship is by no means a toy for elementary school children. More than 37 thousand students all over the world took part in its 634 qualifying rounds, and only 249 participants passed the strict selection

Pullover - Exercise For The Development Of Chest Muscles

Pullover - Exercise For The Development Of Chest Muscles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Pullover is an exercise that allows you to work out the muscles of the chest and back well. It can be performed both with a barbell and with dumbbells. The execution technique provides for lifting the projectile both on straightened arms and on bent elbows

Where The Tour De France International Cycling Race Will Take Place

Where The Tour De France International Cycling Race Will Take Place

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The most prestigious multi-day cycling race in the world, the Tour de France, held annually in July, has been held since 1903 and was established as an advertising project for the newspaper L ‘Auto. Originally conceived and conducted as a singles tournament