Aesthetic breast augmentation surgeries are not cheap. And the consequences after their implementation can be unpredictable. Therefore, women often look for alternative breast augmentation methods. One of them is based on performing specialized physical exercises. How effective is it, and what exercises should you do to give the desired volume to the pectoral muscles?

Step 1
The female breast is shaped by the mammary gland and the muscles underneath. The volume of the mammary gland cannot be increased by any physical exercises. However, specialized fitness classes will help to form beautiful muscles and thereby lift the chest, make it more voluminous.
Fitness training also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the breast skin, improving blood circulation and metabolism in it. You will achieve a positive effect only with regular exercise. Exercise your chest muscles at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes.
Step 2
Start by warming up your pectoral muscles. Thanks to a high-quality warm-up, you will avoid injuries and pain during exercise. A warm-up complex can be as follows:
- I. p. - standing, right hand - above, left - along the body. Do two springy pulls back with both hands. Change the position of the hands and repeat. Do it for 1 minute.
- I. p. - standing, arms bent in front of the chest. As you inhale, do two springy stretches with your elbows back. Then straighten your arms and repeat the jerks with your arms back. Alternate springy stretches in bent and straight arms.
- I. p. - standing, hands on shoulders, elbows bent. Do 10 rotations with your shoulders forward, then back. Try to perform rotations with maximum amplitude.
Step 3
After warm-up, proceed to push-ups from the floor in the support lying or kneeling. Keep your torso straight. Pull in your stomach. Look straight ahead. The arms are wider than the shoulders. Bend your arms as you inhale, straighten your arms as you exhale. Do 3-4 sets of 10-20 times. When the exercise is easy for you to do, make it harder. Place your feet on a raised platform and rest your hands on the floor. You can put a small weight on your back.
Step 4
Pick up dumbbells or two plastic water bottles. Lie on a bench and raise your arms in front of you. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, bending them at the elbows. The shoulders should be parallel to the floor and the forearms should be perpendicular to the shoulders. On inhalation, bring it together. Repeat 10-15 times in 3-4 sets. Rest between sets - 2 minutes. Gradually increase the weight of the weights. In order for muscles to grow, they need to be loaded as much as possible.
Step 5
Stretch at the end of your workout. First, stretch your arms out to the sides and up. Then put them behind your back. Grasp the right hand with the left, pull your arms down and a little back.