Squats are very helpful in maintaining muscle tone in your legs and back. However, many unsportsmanlike people cannot sit down even several times. The thing here is that muscles cannot withstand heavy loads without prior preparation.

Step 1
Squats are very useful for the body, but at the same time, quite a difficult exercise for an untrained person. If you do about 50-60 squats at a time without preparation, the next day you can completely lose the ability to move normally. This means that you need to learn to squat many times very gradually. In addition, there are many reasons why you can't squat properly. These can be weight problems, and posture disorders, and insufficient joint flexibility or diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, all these problems can be overcome if you really want to learn the right squats.
Step 2
You need to start small, very carefully acting on the muscles of the legs and back. To get started, learn to squat 10 times a day. Take your time, let the muscles in your legs feel the strain and strain. Do the exercise slowly, then the load on the legs and back will be maximum. When you are confident with one set of 10 squats, increase the number of sets. On a day, it will be possible to do already 2-3 sets of 10 squats, with breaks in between. This will gradually build muscle mass without damaging the tendons and muscles.
Step 3
Gradually increase the number of squats you do at one time. Bring their number to 15-20, and then to 40-50 squats and repeat these approaches three times a day. Continue doing the exercise at the same slow pace, building up your muscles. Watch your body closely and if you feel severe muscle pain after training, do not increase the number of squats. Pain is acceptable only when pleasant, when it can be tolerated without much discomfort.
Step 4
After a while, you need to stop increasing the number of squats and start building up the power load. To do this, you can put on your back a backpack with sand, gravel, stones, books. If there is a barbell, use it, but at first, its weight should not be too heavy. The amount of load in the backpack also needs to be varied. These squats are strength exercises, helping not only build muscle volume, but also increase their endurance.
Step 5
After a few weeks of backpacking or barbell training, when you can do about 50 heavy squats, you need to start training again without the extra weight. But now increase the number of squats to the limit that is within your control. During this period, you can squat 100 and 200 times in a row without much stress. Continue the exercise if you want to squat even more.
Step 6
In addition to squats, the following exercises are suitable for strengthening the legs: exercise on a stationary bike, leg press, walking up stairs, especially over a step, lunges with legs, running, walking.