A healthy lifestyle gives us a positive attitude, health and, of course, beauty of the body. Sports offer a wide variety of methods. The jump rope is a good helper to achieve the desired goal.

Make the rope your best friend and she won't let you down. It will help burn excess calories, strengthen the cardiovascular system, flush out cellulite, develop endurance, and acquire a royal posture. After all, even professional heavyweight boxers do not shy away from jumping ropes, using it in their workouts to develop speed of reaction and coordination of movements. The jump rope is a mini-trainer, but with a high efficiency.
The special value of jumping rope is that in the training process, in addition to the legs, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are actively involved. Many "older" women will be happy with the help of this miracle rope to reduce the flabbiness of the triceps of the shoulder, and to bring the muscles of the arms in order.
You can start practicing at any second, regardless of the season or time of day - all you need to do is get off the couch. The lesson is fascinating and exciting: you can jump both on two and on one leg; rotate the rope back and forth; scroll it twice in one jump. It all depends on the flight of imagination of a novice fighter for a slender and healthy body. But in order to achieve harmony and grace, you need to do it systematically.
Just as any long journey begins with one step, so a friendship with a rope begins with a few jumps. Ideal - if you can jump continuously for half an hour, and then 350 kilocalories will disappear by themselves. Choose an attractive girlfriend jump rope: bright, with a built-in jump or calorie counter, to suit your height.
When jumping, you need to insure: the chest should be in a fixed position and not experience concussions. With a large size of this attractive part of the female body, in addition to a bra, it is necessary to use an elastic top. Jumping should be as soft and light as possible, landing should only be on your toes, and your heels should never touch the floor.
Physiologists recognize that jumping rope is practically the same as running: the same effect of enriching the blood with oxygen, burning calories, and training muscles. Psychologists have noted a positive emotional effect. When starting classes, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the first three minutes the body will have to work in anaerobic mode (oxygen deficiency) and a state will arise, as when running at maximum speed.
Even if you do not reach the world record (162 jumps in 30 seconds), you will definitely get rid of the "orange" cellulite skin on the thighs and buttocks, which is inherent in many women.