In order to effectively pump the hamstrings of the hip, it must be remembered that this muscle group is actively involved when the body bends forward, in running and walking. To maximize the development of this group, as a rule, two main types of exercises are used: bends with a load and all kinds of leg curls.

- - dumbbells;
- - barbell.
Step 1
Take the starting position - standing with your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight. Grab a barbell with an upper grip.
Step 2
Lean forward gradually. Make sure that your back does not bend. When tilting, the bar should be as close to your feet as possible. Leaning to the mid-calf level, slowly return to the starting position.
Step 3
When performing the exercise, do not forget to pay attention to breathing: inhale - bend forward, exhale - lift the bar to its original position. Thus, you actively engage the muscles of the arms, back, trapezius muscles, buttocks and hamstrings. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times for 3-4 sets.
Step 4
Diversify the exercise with a barbell by replacing this sports equipment with dumbbells of the required weight. You can also experiment with turning the toes inward or outward, with the width of the feet. Remember: all movements should be performed smoothly, without jerking, so as not to injure your body.
Step 5
An equally effective exercise for pumping the biceps of the thigh is tilting with dumbbells on straight legs. Take the starting position - standing, keep your back straight. Place your feet together, feet parallel. Take dumbbells in your hands, bend your arms slightly at the elbows. Maintain this position throughout the exercise. Remember: do not bend your legs. This is how you get the most out of your hamstrings.
Step 6
Gradually lean forward as much as possible, keeping your back straight. Hold this position for a few seconds. The incline of the body in this case directly depends on your flexibility and athletic training. Return smoothly to the starting position. Without stopping, repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
Step 7
Gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of approaches. This exercise will allow you to engage the muscles in your forearms, glutes, and hamstrings.