Losing weight with a minimum of personal time on diet and exercise is possible. This was proved by the American Tim Ferris. The young man became famous by writing a book about a businessman's 4-hour workweek. Girls on this program get rid of a pair of clothing sizes without much effort, in just 8-12 weeks, doing just 3 exercises. Well, you and I can study the system in about 10 minutes.

A simple kettlebell, a bosu hemisphere, lots and lots of green vegetables, chicken breasts, white fish and legumes, and unlimited access to food on the day
Step 1
Let's prepare mentally. You should feel that the moment has come and remember this feeling. For some, it will be a faceless address "woman" in line or on the bus. Someone will feel uncomfortable buying pants in size 50. In general, remember when excess weight really began to bother you, and make a firm decision to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

Step 2
Now let's go shopping.
Step 3
You don't need to drink any tea or coffee for weight loss. Count calories too. You will provide the necessary hormonal background and response of the body, simply by eliminating foods that quickly increase sugar levels. Buy lentils, beans or beans, lean fish such as tuna or cod, lots of green vegetables, some tomatoes and avocados, and good quality chicken breasts or lean beef. And don't forget about the eggs. Additionally - your favorite spices such as pepper, herbs, cinnamon, and quality tea that you can drink without added sugar.
Step 4
Now we are preparing the right food. Tim Ferris is a bachelor. Moreover, he is not at all a fan of long-term culinary projects. And he advises you to cook simple dishes that take no more than 4 minutes. How? Just boil lentils or beans early in the week, use frozen vegetables, and fish and chicken fillets in your meals. Each meal includes a few spoons of legumes, a serving of boiled, steamed or grilled meat / fish, and vegetables. The latter, by the way, can be quickly fried in olive oil. Well, for breakfast, eat a protein omelet and 1 whole egg. Mushrooms, herbs, cabbage are welcome. Eat this pattern every 4 hours, remembering to have breakfast 30 minutes after waking up.
Step 5
Do not forget about training. Ferris recommends 2 hours of regular recreational physical activity per week - walking, swimming, skiing, yoga, whatever gets you off the couch. Well, to improve your figure, do only 3 exercises 3 times a week - kettlebell swings, twisting on the barefoot on the press, and pulling in the abdomen. Or do any weight-lifting complex, videos of which can be freely found on the Internet.