Pullover - Exercise For The Development Of Chest Muscles

Pullover - Exercise For The Development Of Chest Muscles
Pullover - Exercise For The Development Of Chest Muscles

Pullover is an exercise that allows you to work out the muscles of the chest and back well. It can be performed both with a barbell and with dumbbells. The execution technique provides for lifting the projectile both on straightened arms and on bent elbows.

barbell pullover
barbell pullover

Pullover is a physical exercise in bodybuilding that allows you to work out two large muscle groups at once. We are talking about the pectoral and broadest muscles of the back. About a hundred years ago, there were no special simulators for this exercise. Today they exist, but even with their appearance, the popularity of the pullover, performed both with a barbell and dumbbells, has not faded away. This kind of workout puts a good load on the chest and trunk muscles.

Features of execution

There are two types of pullovers. The first is called power and is performed with arms bent at the elbows. The second is called respiratory. It is recommended to perform it with straight arms. Both types of pullover provide for the movement of the weights from behind the head. Moreover, only the shoulder joints can move, the elbow joints are motionless, otherwise the exercise will already be called the French press. A pullover with straight arms can use significantly less weight, and in a pullover with bent arms, it is extremely important to fix the legs. The barbell is recognized as the most effective projectile for performing pullovers. This is due to the fact that the harness allows you to load only the final segment of the range of motion, and it is inconvenient to train with large heavy dumbbells.

The exercise is not recommended to be performed with the maximum weight of the projectile, since in this case there is a high risk of injury to the elbow, shoulder or wrist. The weight must be chosen so that you can do three sets of 10-15 repetitions at an average pace and feel the muscle stretch. If you need to work out a certain area of the muscles, then you can change the position of the body. Therefore, pullovers can be performed on a horizontal, incline or reverse incline bench.

Execution technique

To perform a pullover with a barbell, you need to lie on a straight bench, holding the projectile in front of you. It is very important to place the barbell on your hands with a grip towards you, maintaining a distance of 40 cm between the palms. After inhaling, raise the barbell, bending your elbows and leading it in a circle. The movement must be continued until the projectile is behind the head. The exercise is then performed correctly when the palms are "looking" up and the arms are parallel to the floor. After exhaling, the athlete must return to the SP and repeat the exercise as many times as planned.

To perform a dumbbell pullover, you need to lie across the bench so that only your upper back is located on it. The athlete must ensure that his head and neck hang over the very edge of the bench, and his legs rest well on the floor. It is necessary to take the dumbbells in fully extended arms so that the palms rest on the inner side of the upper disk of the projectile. Inhaling, gently lower the dumbbells behind your head as low as possible, feeling how the muscles of the arms and chest stretch. Holding your breath, just as smoothly raise the weight and return to the PI, exhaling at the very end of the path.

The exercise must be performed observing safety rules, that is, inviting a partner for safety net. Don't take too much weight. Pullover is contraindicated in persons with heart disease.
