How To Do Tricks On Snowskate

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How To Do Tricks On Snowskate
How To Do Tricks On Snowskate

Video: How To Do Tricks On Snowskate

Video: How To Do Tricks On Snowskate

Snowskate is an excellent sports equipment that is suitable for performing all kinds of tricks in the winter season. You can jump onto parapets and slide over them without losing your balance. However, for this you need to understand the theory of tricks and consolidate their performance in practice.

How to do snowskate tricks
How to do snowskate tricks


  • - snowskate;
  • - handrail (obstacle);
  • - helmet;
  • - skate boots;
  • - overalls;
  • - trousers.


Step 1

Learn a trick called boardslide. Step onto the snowskate, place your boots in the bindings and jump onto the railing. Slide either backward ("backside") or face ("frontside").

Step 2

Figure out how to properly do the first variation of this trick, the backside boardslide. It is extremely simple. When entering the railing, turn the tail (the back of the skate) forward so that it is perpendicular to the object you are gliding over. Be aware that the board may slide forward unexpectedly. In this case, just shift your body weight forward a little.

Step 3

Also make sure that the surface on which you perform this and other tricks is completely smooth, i.e. without any protruding edges. Otherwise, it will be fraught with serious falls and injuries. As soon as you come to the edge of the railing, pull off the board with a sharp movement and twist your torso.

Step 4

Practice the second type, the frontside boardslide trick. The difficulty of this element is that it is quite problematic to stay on the skateboard, sliding forward with your back. To begin with, it will be enough for you to just stand in this stance, turning your body and head in the direction of sliding. When you are about to enter the object, turn the bow of the skate 90 degrees towards the entrance, and the back ("tail") towards the railing (log). Try to freeze in this position. Descend according to the "backside boardslide" principle.

Step 5

Practice a trick called "50-50". It is one of the lightest pieces on a snowboard. The bottom line is that you need to hit the middle of the surface of your inventory on an object that is smaller in size than a skateboard. Descend as follows: lean on your back foot and land on the snow, flipping the snowskate 180 degrees.
