Some athletes, even with impeccable technique, cannot find their way to victory in any way. Maybe it's a matter of psychology. Character traits that ensure victory are brought up from childhood. These are not the most positive qualities for life - aggressiveness, cruelty, perseverance. But for victory in battle, they are irreplaceable.

Step 1
Work on the ability to quickly enter a state of aggression. To do this, use the grin exercise. Have you ever noticed how two cats fight? Yes, they do not fight at all, but simply hiss at each other for a long time, showing their grinning jaws. The one who is the first to lose his grin is inferior. Your task is to learn how to reproduce an animal grin on your face with all the emotions attached to it in your soul. This grin should appear at you as soon as you see the enemy. Along with a grin, aggression arises inside you, and it gives you extra strength.
Step 2
The next quality you need to win outright is cruelty. It can be characterized as an inability to feel sorry for the painful feelings of the enemy. Your task is to learn to include this quality in yourself at the moment when it is necessary. For example, in the ring. The best way to develop violence in yourself is to self-code. Reflect often on those life situations when you were cruel. Try to experience this state again.
Step 3
And finally, perseverance. Victory is impossible without it. Perseverance must be understood as intransigence. Were you offended, but you could not fight back? It's okay, you are not defeated yet. Victory over you can be recorded when you accept that you have been offended. Repeat to yourself several times a day: "I am a superman. I always achieve my goal. I can do anything. Everything obeys me." small victories over oneself. It relaxes, gradually deprives you of self-confidence. Be persistent and you are invincible.