Modern sports are a huge variety of sports activities, among which everyone can find for themselves the one that will be interesting to him. At the same time, they sometimes require very unusual equipment.

Rollerski is a special sports equipment that resembles skis in shape, since it is an elongated narrow strip made of plastic, however, it is equipped with roller wheels.
Roller skiing
The first such sports equipment was designed in the 1930s in Italy, and then spread to Northern Europe. Their main purpose, as conceived by the designers, was to be used as a projectile in the process of training professional skiers in the absence of snow, for example, in the summer. Roller skis exercises quite plausibly imitated the basic movements performed by skiers, and therefore did not allow athletes to lose important skills and lose shape from the offseason.
However, after about forty years, the attitude towards roller skis began to gradually change. They began to be considered as an independent sports equipment that requires special education and training to fully master the technique of moving on roller skis. At the same time, a change in the design of this equipment took place: for example, if the first roller skis were equipped with one wheel in the front of the structure and two in the rear, then the modified projectile received only two wheels, one of which was located in front and the other at the back.
Rollerski today
Today, manufacturers have mastered the production of a wide range of roller skis, which, differing in their main characteristics, are intended for various skiing styles, for example, skating and classic skiing. During the movement, athletes are able to develop a significant speed, reaching 50 kilometers per hour, therefore, such exercises require special protective equipment.
At the same time, athletes engaged in these apparatus have become a category that is fundamentally different from ordinary skiers. This is largely due to the fact that the sports community has officially recognized the independent status of roller skis. So, back in 1988, the first European Championship in this sport was held in Holland, and in 1992 the International Ski Federation included roller skiing in the official list of ski sports. A year later, in 1993, Holland again hosted major roller ski competitions: this time they had the status of the world ones. In 2000, the first world championship in this sport was held in the same country, and since then it has been held on a regular basis - once every two years.