"Swallow" is the most beautiful element of figure skating, which can be performed in different ways: slide straight or along arcs, forward or backward. To learn how to make a "swallow", you first need to firmly master its basic version.

Step 1
Master the forward swallow, which is performed in a straight line along the rink. Work out all the movements thoroughly. Sometimes a simple "swallow" is more difficult to learn how to perform than more complex elements of figure skating.
Step 2
Exercise on the floor. Practice a stable position by performing leg raises. With each movement, increase the time you are standing on one leg. This will help you maintain balance while skating on the ice and will allow you to pay more attention to the correct position of your hands and head.
Step 3
When you pick up speed, place your right foot on the ice and shift your body weight onto it. Sliding in a straight line, spread your arms to the sides, and take your left leg back, unfolding the toe. Pay attention to keeping your legs straight at the knees.
Step 4
Carefully observe the work of the left leg. Take it back and lift it up as much as possible. Only then can the body be lowered forward. At the same time, try to arch your back as much as possible. Control the execution of the element mentally. One of the most common mistakes is untimely lowering of the torso. Therefore, the "swallow" either turns out bent, or does not work at all.
Step 5
Train your leg lift. At the initial stage of mastering this element, it is always difficult to raise your leg to the proper height. It only depends on your fitness level. Repeating attempts and sliding in "swallow", lift your leg as high as possible to failure.
Step 6
Watch your back and lower back muscles. They should be taut and form a bow-like bend.
Step 7
While doing the swallow, slide on the back of the skate. If you lean forward more than necessary, falling onto the front of the skate, you will catch your teeth on the ice and, unfortunately, you will fall.
Step 8
Now practice the element using the other leg. Train both legs alternately.