The next Winter Olympic Games will be held in Sochi from 7 to 23 February 2014. For two weeks, many thousands of fans who have come to this Black Sea resort city, and hundreds of millions of TV viewers around the world, will closely follow the competitions of the strongest athletes. There is no doubt that a colorful spectacle of intense, stubborn struggle awaits them. But, at the same time, two more solemn events will be presented to their attention: the opening and closing of the Olympic Games. Who will participate in the closing ceremony of the Olympics?

Singers and dancers
The closing ceremony of a solemn event, especially as important and massive as the Olympic Games, is special. It should be very beautiful, exciting, arouse interest and positive emotions in viewers who feel sad at the thought that such a wonderful holiday has come to an end. Therefore, a detailed description of the program for closing the Olympics is kept secret. So far, it is known only in general terms.
The closing ceremony of the Olympics will take place at the Fisht stadium. The Kuban Cossack Choir will take part in this solemn ceremony, which is quite natural, since the city of Sochi is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. The songs and dances of the renowned collective, which have performed with success in many countries of the world, will surely please the audience.
A combined children's choir will also take part in the closing ceremony of the Olympiad. It will consist of 1000 of the most talented singers from all over Russia, between the ages of 9 and 11.
The winners of the All-Russian Festival "Festival of Choral Singing" will perform before the athletes and guests of the Olympics. It will end on November 1 of this year, and based on its results, the best teams will be selected to be entrusted with this high honor.
It is known that many famous singers and musicians, both Russian and foreign, received invitations to participate in the closing ceremony of the Olympics. However, their names are still kept secret.
Without extras - nowhere
However, individual performers and even groups, no matter how talented, cannot fill a multi-hour program, especially in the arena of the stadium. Therefore, 3,000 best performers will be selected for mass dance and acrobatic performances. The selection is carried out among students of universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, circus and dance groups. They will perform in between the main participants in the program.
In any case, there is no doubt that the program and staging of the closing ceremony of the Olympics will meet the highest standards.