Bodybuilding became very popular in the USSR in the 80s of the last century. It was then that many people learned about such athletes as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johnny O. Jackson, Valery Bogdanovich, Stanislav Polyakov, etc. Having once chosen these people as the standards of masculinity and beauty, modern bodybuilders began to strive to obtain similar results, diligently pumping up their biceps, triceps and other muscles in your body.

Biceps and triceps: location and purpose
The location of the biceps or biceps brachii is the inner surface of the humerus. The shoulder muscles are also located here. The triceps is located on the dorsal region of the humerus and occupies one third of its surface. A well-developed triceps, being a triceps muscle, can be twice the size of a biceps. Considered antagonistic muscles, the triceps acts as an extensor and the biceps acts as a flexor of the arm. Summarizing these data, we can say that biceps and triceps are called extensor and flexor muscle groups of the arms.
Exercises for training biceps and triceps
Strength exercises with dumbbells and a barbell contribute to a good study and an increase in the volume of the biceps and triceps. Classes on the horizontal bar and uneven bars are also possible.
To train the biceps muscle, you can use the following exercises. Exercise # 1: Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the barbell with a bottom grip. Bend the bar towards your shoulders, do this exercise slowly, watching your breathing. The number of lifts and the weight of the bar are determined individually, depending on your weight and training level. For beginners, it is best to start with similar exercises (alternating raising the arms to the body) with dumbbells weighing 5-8 kg.
Exercise number 2: Take a starting position, namely - hanging on the bar. Vary your hand grip from narrow to wide (as you like) with your palms facing you. If desired, you can attach a weight to the belt in the front, but for beginners it is better not to do this. Pull yourself up as high as possible, returning to the starting position. The number of executions for beginners is 10-15.
To train the triceps muscle, you can do the following exercises:
Exercise # 1: Lie on a bench, grab the barbell with a narrow grip on top. Move your arms up and down, alternately. The weight of the bar and the number of repetitions will depend on individual parameters: goals set, level of fitness, your weight, etc.
Exercise # 2: Jump onto the uneven bars and hold onto them with straight arms. Bend and unbend your elbows, legs straight, perpendicular to the floor. Try not to sway, do the exercise cleanly. Try doing 10-15 reps to get started.
Exercise # 3: Perform push-ups from the floor. Keep your back and legs straight, work only with your arms and body. The number of push-ups varies depending on your physical capabilities. For a good study of the triceps, it is necessary to perform several approaches (2-3) up to 30 push-ups in each.
There are many other exercises for working out the biceps and triceps muscles. In particular, exercises on a special Scott simulator, flexion of one arm with a dumbbell, press the bar with a reverse grip, and many others.
You need to choose the most suitable training method based on your physical fitness, health status, age. Your coach will help you draw up the most optimal version of the training schedule and dosing loads.