How To Start Doing Rhythmic Gymnastics

How To Start Doing Rhythmic Gymnastics
How To Start Doing Rhythmic Gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most exciting and beautiful sports today. To do rhythmic gymnastics, you need special flexibility, innate grace, plasticity and a sense of rhythm. If a person has all these inclinations at a young age, he will be able to achieve significant results in this field.

How to start doing rhythmic gymnastics
How to start doing rhythmic gymnastics

You can start doing gymnastics at any age, however, having come to the section, for example, at the age of 20-25, you can achieve something only for yourself. And if we talk about competitions, then a strict age qualification is observed in the selection of candidates. The age of a child who will be admitted to the rhythmic gymnastics section, as a rule, is 3-5 years old. After all, the younger the child, the more flexible his body and quicker movements. Children who have been admitted to a special school will have to go through a pretty tough dropout. Of these, only those who are well physically prepared and strong in spirit remain for training in gymnastics. The first step is to choose a suitable gym or rhythmic gymnastics school. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the set goal. If you, as parents, dream of a great sports career for a child and are completely confident in his abilities, give preference to a serious sports school with a staff of experienced coaches who have trained champions in gymnastics. If the goal is only to develop coordination of movements, plasticity, flexibility and beautiful posture in you or your child, any section where the loads and requirements are somewhat lower will do. Classes with future gymnasts begin with stretching. So that the first sessions are not too painful, the increase in flexibility occurs gradually. During these exercises, each coach tries to determine the level of flexibility of the athlete and, in accordance with this, select a set of exercises to improve stretching. From the very beginning, prepare your child for the fact that training will require certain efforts from him, without which it is impossible to achieve serious success in sports. You need to prepare to devote a lot of time to serious training. Simple gymnasts performing the Master of Sports program do about 5 hours a day. Children 4-5 years old first train for an hour a week. A little later, they are transferred to training for 3 hours a week. The duration of training increases over time to one and a half, two and three hours. By the age of 8-9, children are already engaged 5 times a week for 3 hours.
