All about sports and fitness - from biographies of athletes to training programs

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How To Pump Up The Press In A Short Time

How To Pump Up The Press In A Short Time

An elastic, toned tummy is the dream of every woman. If you are ready to regularly pay due attention to this part of your body, then your desire will definitely come true. Do abdominal exercises 3-4 times a week, and you can always proudly show your tummy on the beach

How To Use Muscles As Much As Possible On A Stepper

How To Use Muscles As Much As Possible On A Stepper

A stepper is a popular modern trainer that allows you to effectively tighten the gluteal and calf muscles using steps. However, in order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to properly use all the leg muscles that are involved in the work with the stepper

How To Relieve Muscle Tone

How To Relieve Muscle Tone

Reflex muscle tension is called muscle tone. Thanks to the tone, a person can maintain balance, maintain a posture, and exercise movements. The muscles of the human body are normally never completely relaxed. Instructions Step 1 Assess muscle tone by observing movements

How To Reduce The Volume Of The Hips

How To Reduce The Volume Of The Hips

Every woman is worried about her appearance. Chest, waist, hips - everything should be harmonious and attractive. Often, the hips are a problem area, as this is the most difficult part to correct. A number of exercises and tools will allow you to reduce the volume of the hips, the main thing is to have a desire

How To Shrink The Pelvis

How To Shrink The Pelvis

The pursuit of modern beauty standards forces people to make more and more efforts. How to bring your figure closer to the ideal, for example, make heavy hips slimmer. Instructions Step 1 The following recommendations are suitable for both men and women:

What Sport Is The Best To Help You Lose Weight

What Sport Is The Best To Help You Lose Weight

The number of various sports directions that help to put the figure in order can, without exaggeration, discourage a beginner. In an effort to lose weight, you can try different types of fitness, but not get the desired result. To get the most out of your activities, you need to make smart choices

Best Exercise For Weight Loss

Best Exercise For Weight Loss

Low impact weight loss exercises are best because they provide consistent results with minimal risk of injury during exercise. Doctors note that a safe level of weight loss is 0, 45-0, 9 kg per week. To achieve this goal, you need to burn 500-1000 calories per day or eat less food by 500-1000 units each day

How To Lose Weight Without Dieting By Playing Sports

How To Lose Weight Without Dieting By Playing Sports

To lose weight without dieting through exercise, you will have to choose the most appropriate type of training. Classes should be held regularly and for a long time. Then the body will join the work process. Instructions Step 1 Many modern people are overweight

How Soon To Expect Results From Visiting The Gym

How Soon To Expect Results From Visiting The Gym

Starting to visit the gym, I want to see the result of my work as soon as possible. But the desired effect does not always come quickly. And the point is not only in the number of classes per week, but also in proper nutrition, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism

How To Choose Exercises For Weight Loss

How To Choose Exercises For Weight Loss

If the problem of excess weight is familiar to you firsthand, do not expect that "will resolve itself." Even when there is no time or opportunity to visit the pool and fitness club, you should pull yourself together and start exercising regularly at home

Effective Weight Loss Exercises

Effective Weight Loss Exercises

Exercise, along with an appropriate low-calorie diet, greatly accelerates the weight loss process. In order to lose extra pounds as quickly as possible, you definitely need to know which exercises for losing weight are most effective. First, you need to say a few words about the very process of training aimed at losing weight

How To Exercise To Lose Weight

How To Exercise To Lose Weight

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot lose weight, do not despair, you are simply making the wrong effort. Regular exercise and healthy eating will definitely help you lose weight. Instructions Step 1 Only systematic exercises will help you lose weight, and the training program should be individual, so it is best to work with a professional trainer at first

How To Build Muscle At Home

How To Build Muscle At Home

A beautiful, relief body is everyone's dream. In addition to external attractiveness, this is an indicator of strength and health, which can still be achieved without leaving home. Instructions Step 1 First, you need to know your abilities at the start

Who Became The Owner Of The Golden Ball

Who Became The Owner Of The Golden Ball

Football award "Golden Ball" is presented annually to the best football player in the world according to polls of football coaches, team captains, sports journalists. On January 12, 2015, another ceremony took place in Zurich, at which the honorary prize was awarded to the best football player in the world in 2014

How To Pump Up At Home

How To Pump Up At Home

To obtain steel muscles and a slim figure, it is not necessary to immediately expose yourself to heavy loads in the gym. You can build up at home by following certain guidelines. It is necessary - expander; - dumbbells. Instructions Step 1 It is impossible to build up at home without a pre-drawn training plan

How To Make Your Legs Lose Weight Quickly

How To Make Your Legs Lose Weight Quickly

Many athletes, especially women, complain of oversized or oversized legs. There are several types of exercises that can help you lose weight in this part of the body. However, it is worth considering the personal characteristics of the body when developing a training and nutrition regimen

Exercise Bike. How To Lose Weight With It

Exercise Bike. How To Lose Weight With It

The number of fitness clubs is growing steadily. But, despite this, many people prefer home workouts, since there are many simulators for shaping the figure. One of the most popular units for apartments is an exercise bike. Its price does not bite, it takes up little space and is very effective for weight loss

What Is Ski Slopestyle In Freestyle

What Is Ski Slopestyle In Freestyle

Slopestyle is another new freestyle discipline that debuted at the Sochi Olympics. Ski slopestyle is a relatively new freestyle discipline that has already successfully debuted at the World Championships and has now been introduced to the Olympic Games

What You Need To Lose Weight Legs

What You Need To Lose Weight Legs

Legs are the part of the body that lends itself the most to losing weight. But do not immediately panic and buy a wide skirt or trousers that will cover the so-called figure flaws. Nowadays, there are many ways that you can get rid of leg plumpness

How To Build Up And Lose Weight Quickly

How To Build Up And Lose Weight Quickly

A slender, muscular figure not only decorates, it is a sign of good health. Often, it is the figure that is the main criterion for evaluating at the first meeting. That is why an increasing number of people are striving not only to lose weight, but also to build good muscles