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What Will Happen At The Sochi Olympics

What Will Happen At The Sochi Olympics

For the second time, the XXII Olympic Games will be held in Russia - the 1980 Summer Olympics took place in Moscow, and the resort town of Sochi won the right to hold a winter sports festival with the same number. There is still a year and a half before this event, but the organizing committee of the competition is already providing enough information to get an idea of what will happen at the Sochi Olympics

Olympic Mascots

Olympic Mascots

The first Olympic mascot appeared in 1968 in Grenoble. It was an image of a skier, who was given the name Schuss. But officially he was not yet considered a talisman. He entered the set of all Olympic symbols 4 years later at the next Olympics

How To Learn How To Throw The Ball Correctly In Basketball

How To Learn How To Throw The Ball Correctly In Basketball

As in any other ball game, in basketball, you must initially set a correct and accurate throw. This is the basis of this game. There are a few things to consider in order to make accurate hits over and over again. Here's what to look out for if you want to consistently make 3-point hits

How To Increase The Jump For Basketball

How To Increase The Jump For Basketball

Basketball is a spectacular and exciting sport in which you can achieve some heights only with constant training and effort. For a successful game and achieving good results, an athlete needs a well-developed skill of high jumps, since it is often the height of the jump in basketball that becomes the decisive factor in victory

How To Spin The Ball

How To Spin The Ball

Probably every guy knows how to play football. This is the most popular sport. But just playing the ball without using different techniques is not at all interesting. Learn a few techniques of twisting the sword and you will make your game more effective and spectacular

How To Learn To Dunk

How To Learn To Dunk

Dunk is a type of ball throwing in basketball. In this case, the athlete must jump above the ring and throw the ball from top to bottom. To learn how to jump high, you need to perform a number of simple exercises. How to learn to do dunk? Instructions Step 1 Train your calf muscles with a variety of exercises

How To Learn Basketball Tricks

How To Learn Basketball Tricks

In addition to the accurate shot in basketball, there are a number of important skills for effective play. One of them is feints. Without them, it is impossible to outwit the opponent and approach the ring. So what do you need to do to achieve quick results?

How To Increase The High Jump For Basketball

How To Increase The High Jump For Basketball

There are enough sports where the aforementioned skill is required. But it is worth paying the main attention all the same to game programs, such as basketball or volleyball. Here, somewhere, and there it is really vital to be able to jump high

How To Get A Basketball Grade

How To Get A Basketball Grade

For many basketball players, it is not only their level of play that is important, but also the reward for their efforts in the form of a rank or title. And this is normal, since this circumstance gives rise to a struggle in the match. So what do you need to do to get a grade in basketball?

How Long Does A Basketball Match Last?

How Long Does A Basketball Match Last?

The game of basketball is one of the most popular in the world, but not everyone can tell how long one basketball game lasts. Quarters, overtimes, breaks, timeouts - their duration is often questionable. How time is counted in basketball Basketball is one of those sports where net time is kept

How Many Players Are On The Basketball Team

How Many Players Are On The Basketball Team

Basketball is a popular team ball sport. Moreover, both men's and women's basketball is widespread, the difference between which is only in the gender of the players. The game The essence of the game of basketball is as follows:

How To Get On The Basketball Team

How To Get On The Basketball Team

Basketball is your favorite sport, but you don't have the opportunity to play somewhere on a regular basis? Do you want to find a team of amateurs or play in a professional tournament? Check out this article and find out how you can get on a basketball team

How To Learn To Play Basketball

How To Learn To Play Basketball

For novice players, basketball can seem like a rather difficult sport, despite the fact that the goal is extremely simple - to throw the ball into the basket. The main difficulties lie in the rules: a special way of dribbling the ball, a large number of players, a small diameter of the basket

How High Is The Basketball Hoop

How High Is The Basketball Hoop

Basketball is a popular form of team sports. It is played by millions of people around the world. The main task of the players is to achieve a greater number of goals scored in the ring, which is installed on the backboard. History of the game In 1891, an ordinary physical education teacher, Disames Naismith, came up with a new game for students:

How To Play Basketball

How To Play Basketball

Have you ever wondered why professional basketball players reach the top in the sport and live up to their potential, while players who have a lot of experience, ability and zeal fail to achieve what they want and leave basketball? There are different versions of why this is happening, but on reflection, it becomes clear that there are few reasons and they are quite simple

How To Get Into A Basketball Club

How To Get Into A Basketball Club

Even possession of sports talent and many hours of work in the gym allows not all athletes to get into the desired team. There are certain steps you can take that can dramatically increase your chances of getting into a basketball club. Let's consider what you need to do specifically for this

Who Invented Basketball

Who Invented Basketball

Basketball is one of the most popular sports games in the world. The US National Basketball Association players are literally world stars. At the same time, a little more than one hundred and twenty years have passed since the invention of basketball

How To Win Basketball In

How To Win Basketball In

Basketball is one of the team sports that combines the physical development of the players and the strategy of the game. Each match has its own components that determine the outcome of the confrontation. So what do you need to do to get more wins?

What Is Double-double In Basketball

What Is Double-double In Basketball

Double-double is one of the basketball terms that reflects the qualities of a player. Sometimes players are judged by the number of double-doubles per season, because the more a player has made, the more versatile he is. The concept of "

What Is The NBA

What Is The NBA

In the United States of America, basketball is one of the favorite sports among many team game fans. It is no coincidence that an outstanding basketball league operates in the country, which brings together the outstanding basketball players of our time under its banner