Where Skis Were Invented And First Used

Where Skis Were Invented And First Used
Where Skis Were Invented And First Used

Cross-country skiing, biathlon, slalom, ski jumping are the most spectacular winter sports. Each of them uses skis - special equipment that increases the speed of movement in the snow. These devices were invented by man several thousand years ago and have been constantly improved over the centuries.

Where skis were invented and first used
Where skis were invented and first used

How skis appeared

The peoples living in the northern regions of the planet have long thought about creating a means of transportation in deep snow. The endless snowy expanses made it difficult to walk, did not allow to quickly overcome the distance between the villages. And on the hunt, snowdrifts prevented the pursuit of game. Ancient people had an urgent need for comfortable gadgets that would help them feel confident on the snow.

The very first skis were primitive snowshoes. They were oval-shaped wooden frames covered with animal skin straps. Sometimes such devices were woven from flexible rods. It was impossible to slide on such skis, but it was relatively easy to step over them in deep snow. It is believed that the first snowshoes were used by the Indians and Eskimos of North America during the Paleolithic era. They were not widespread in Europe.

Rock carvings of skiers, made about four thousand years ago, were discovered in the caves of Norway. In the pictures, you can see pieces of wood tied to people's feet. Archaeological finds in Scandinavia suggest that cross-country skiing first appeared in this region. Ancient skis had different lengths - the right one was slightly shorter and served for pushing off. Ancient craftsmen trimmed the sliding surface of skis with leather or animal fur.

From the history of skiing

Skis were also used in the everyday life of the peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Russia. This is evidenced by rock paintings discovered at the beginning of the last century on the shores of the White Sea and Lake Onega. Massive boulders have preserved images of Paleolithic hunters and fishermen, to whose legs sliding-type skis were attached. In the Pskov region, archaeologists have found fragments of ancient skis, which are more than three thousand years old.

The skis, very reminiscent of modern sports equipment, were discovered by researchers during excavations of ancient Novgorod. These devices were about two meters long; the front ends of the skis are slightly raised and slightly pointed. In the place where the skier's leg should be located, there is a thickening and a through hole through which, obviously, a leather belt was threaded.

The art of skiing was highly prized among the northern peoples. Evidence of this can be found in the epics of the Finns, Karelians, Nenets, Ostyaks. Describing the exploits of heroes, folk storytellers often mention their ability to ski. There are also mentions of ski competitions, during which the most agile and fastest hunters were selected. Skiing for the ancient peoples was of great importance, because such skills largely determined the success in hunting and the prosperity of the tribe.
