How To Take Part In The Tournament

How To Take Part In The Tournament
How To Take Part In The Tournament

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Modest people often remain observers, although they could take part in the competitions themselves. Such people stand on the sidelines of life and wait to be noticed and invited. Less talented, but more active at this time sweep by as participants in tournaments. They get the prizes. To move from among observers to the honorary ranks of participants, it is enough to show a little initiative.

Make sure your equipment matches the level of the tournament
Make sure your equipment matches the level of the tournament


Step 1

Find out who is the organizer of the tournament. Some people find out about the competition from the media when all the participants have decided and it is late to apply. In such a situation, you can only become a spectator and a fan. Find out about the organizers of the competitions you are interested in in advance. Do not rely on the fact that if you left them your coordinates, you will be invited. Chances are good that you will be forgotten in the turmoil of preparation. Keep control of the timing and information about the organizers.

Step 2

Check out the competition regulations. All public events related to the selection of winners have written instructions or rules. A solid competition always has a regulation that spells out all the rules. You can familiarize yourself with it in advance in order to know the requirements for participants and other nuances.

Step 3

Apply for participation. Observe the deadlines and rules for submitting documents set out in the regulations. Make sure that the contact information for contacting you is correct. Otherwise, you will not receive an answer.

Step 4

Make sure you are included in the list of candidates. Not everyone can be admitted to the tournament. A special commission can select participants from among possible candidates. Check with the organizers if you really are one of those candidates. Annoying mistakes of people working with documents can take away your right to participate. Keep everything under control.

Step 5

Refine the results of consideration of your application. Do this in case you have not received an official response. Perhaps a problem in the mail made you unable to answer. Do not be humble aside, find out the details. It is better to get the answer "no" than to suffer in ignorance.
