What Exercises Strengthen The Cardiovascular System?

What Exercises Strengthen The Cardiovascular System?
What Exercises Strengthen The Cardiovascular System?

The health of the cardiovascular system affects the activity of the whole organism as a whole. By doing certain exercises, you will become stronger, healthier, and long climbing stairs will no longer cause you shortness of breath and discomfort.

What exercises strengthen the cardiovascular system?
What exercises strengthen the cardiovascular system?

Strengthening the cardiovascular system on exercise machines

The gym is a great way to recharge your health. Cardio equipment helps to strengthen all muscles and promote healthy heart function. The most popular machines of this type are the elliptical, treadmill, and stationary bike. The treadmill simulates natural running, you can set different degrees of resistance of the simulator, as well as features of the relief, for example, downhill running. The exercise bike helps to relieve the spine, and it is also suitable for people with sore knees. Elliptical trainers are the latest development, their pedals and handrails move in a circle, which gives a good load, but does not overload the back and joints.

When exercising, monitor your pulse, keep a moderate pace. You should be comfortable, shortness of breath is highly undesirable.

Training the heart muscle while swimming

Swimming not only perfectly strengthens and hardens the body, but also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Your body is in a horizontal position and your movements are in water, which is denser than air. All this favors the outflow of blood from the heart to the peripheral vessels and back. The pressure exerted by the water allows the heart to work better and more evenly. Also, deep breathing of swimmers is a kind of massage for the heart, activating its activity. In addition, it was noted that being in water normalizes blood composition and makes blood vessels more elastic. And the minimum load on the joints makes this sport accessible to almost everyone.

Swimming is good for the nervous system as well - it calms and normalizes sleep.

Aerobics - fast movement and rhythmic breathing

Incendiary aerobics classes are suitable for energetic people who are not afraid of difficulties. The first classes will be quite difficult, but over time, the body will adapt, and you will feel an improvement in endurance. The emphasis in aerobics is on the rhythm of movements and alternate load of all muscle groups. Stretching is also performed in the classroom, which strengthens the muscles and joints. Modern aerobics is divided into several types: cycle - using an exercise bike, step - on a special platform, fitball - on a fitness ball. With regular exercise, there is also an active burning of calories, strengthening of the bone skeleton, and improving the flexibility and mobility of the joints.
