In order to properly train and progress in the gym, it is important to immediately choose the right weight for the bar. This will affect not only all subsequent progress, but also save the athlete from unnecessary injuries. So how do you choose the weight of the projectile?

It is necessary
- - barbell;
- - pancakes;
- - racks;
- - belt;
- - belts;
- - notepad.
Step 1
Measure anthropometric data. In general, before starting any training cycle, it is important to determine the exact goals. Why do you need to lift a barbell? Maybe you want to build weight and strength, or maybe you just need to compete. But be that as it may, measure your height and weight. Both quantities are important. Write down the measurement date in a special training notebook. This will be the starting point for barbell fitting.
Step 2
Perform barbell squats. Submerge 80% of your own weight on the projectile. Let's say the scales showed 70 kg at the initial stage of training. Then hang at least 55-60 kg on the bar. If your muscles and bones are not yet fully strengthened and it is difficult for you to keep the barbell on your shoulders, reduce the weights to 50 kg and place a towel under your shoulders. Your task is to do at least 10-12 times with this shell. If everything went well and you are strong enough to continue exercising, then you have found the correct weight. If it seemed light to you, add another couple and kg and start working with it.
Step 3
Hang at least 75% of your personal weight on the bench press. The second main barbell exercise is the barbell press on a horizontal bench. It won't be as easy as squatting anymore. However, with a personal weight of 70 kg, the barbell in this exercise should be at least 50-53 kg. If your shoulder girdle and chest are well developed, then make a shell of 55 kg or even more. Perform at least 10-12 times with a loaded weight. Make adjustments again as you did with the squat.
Step 4
Do deadlifts with 100% of your weight. This is the third basic compound exercise and is the most difficult and traumatic. Take it very seriously. Put on a weightlifting belt and special belts on your arms.
Step 5
Place 70 kg on the bar. If you are not confident in your abilities, reduce the weight as much as you see fit. In general, you can do the first times with 50 kg in order to hone the technique. Once you have been able to do it 10 times, write down the data in a notebook. Make adjustments. Increase or decrease the weight on the bar according to your feelings.