Why Do We Need Olympic Symbols

Why Do We Need Olympic Symbols
Why Do We Need Olympic Symbols

Olympic symbolism is what distinguishes games of this scale from other world competitions. It was born together with the entire movement and represents a whole complex of different attributes. Some of them are basic and unchanged, others change depending on where this or that Olympiad is held.

Why do we need Olympic symbols
Why do we need Olympic symbols

Olympic symbolism is represented by several attributes at once - an emblem, a flag, a motto, a principle, an oath, fire, medals, an opening ceremony and a talisman. Each of them carries its own functional load and meets all the requirements of world-class sports competitions.

The emblem of the Games has been approved since 1913 and remains unchanged. It is familiar to everyone - five colored rings intertwined with each other. It has been in effect since the time when it was developed taking into account the ancient Greek symbolism of the Olympics. Five circles mean five continents that participate in sports competitions. In addition, the flag of any country must contain at least one color, which is represented on the Olympic rings. Therefore, the emblem of the Olympic movement serves as a unifying factor.

The flag is equally important. It represents the image of the Olympic rings on a white panel. Its role is quite simple - white symbolizes peace. And in combination with the emblem, it turns into a symbol of peace during the Games. It was first used as a competition attribute in 1920 in Belgium. According to the rules of the Olympics, the flag must participate in both the opening and closing ceremonies. After the end of the Games, it must be handed over to the representative of the city where the next competition will be held in 4 years.

The motto of the Olympic Games is the Latin slogan: "Citius, Altius, Fortius!" Translated into Russian it means "Faster, Higher, Stronger!" The role of the motto in the Olympics is to constantly remind everyone present why everyone is here.

The principle that "Victory is not the main thing, but participation" is an Olympic statement that appeared in 1896. The symbolism of the principle is that athletes should not feel overwhelmed if they lose. Its purpose is to ensure that the participants of the competition do not fall into depression, but, on the contrary, find the strength in themselves and prepare even better for the next Games.

The traditional vow is used in 1920. These are words about the need to respect your rivals, to observe sports ethics. The oath is taken not only by the athletes, but also by the judges and members of the evaluating commissions.

Of course, such a symbol of the Olympics as fire cannot be ignored. The ritual comes from Ancient Greece. The fire is lit directly in Olympia, then transferred to a special torch, which, traveling across the world, arrives at the capital of the Olympic Games. We need fire as a symbol to emphasize that sporting events are an attempt to improve ourselves, it is an honest struggle for victory, and also peace and friendship.

Medals are not only a reward, but also a certain symbol of the Games. They serve as a tribute to strong athletes and at the same time emphasize the fact that all people are brothers, because representatives of various nationalities meet on the podium.

The opening ceremony is an obligatory attribute of the Olympic Games. First, it sets the mood for all two weeks ahead. Secondly, it is a demonstration of the power of the host side. Thirdly, it is the opening ceremony that is the unifying force. This is due to the fact that a parade of athletes is required for her, in which future rivals walk side by side, shoulder to shoulder.

The Talisman can be called the mutable symbol of the Olympics. After all, a new attribute is developed for each competition. It must be approved by the IOC commission, chosen from several proposed options. The one that ultimately stops is patented and becomes a symbol of the Olympic movement in a given year. The mascot must meet several requirements - reflect the spirit of the host country of the Olympics, bring good luck to athletes and create a festive atmosphere. As a rule, the Olympic mascot is presented in the form of an animal popular for the country where the competition takes place. In some cases, it can be made in the form of a fantastic creature.
