Every plump woman dreams of slender hips. Reducing the curvaceous size is not easy. Thighs can be reduced through regular exercise. Include special thigh exercises in your morning exercises, and soon you will notice that your lower body is getting slimmer.

Step 1
Stand straight with your feet together and your hands on your waist. While inhaling, lunge forward with your right leg, exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Do 20 sets for each leg.
Step 2
Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, palms on your waist. As you exhale, sit down a little, while inhaling, push your right leg off the floor and lift it up as high as possible. Exhale, sit down, and inhale, lift your straight left leg. Repeat the exercise 25 times in each direction.
Step 3
Stand near a chair with your hands on the back. As you inhale, move your right leg back and up. Do 30 wiggles with your right leg, while contracting the back of the thigh and buttock. With an exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your left leg.
Step 4
Sit on the floor, stretch your arms in front of you, straighten your legs. Begin to step forward on the buttocks, move like this 1 - 2 meters. Change direction, now move your back forward, returning to your starting place.
Step 5
Lie on your right side, place your left hand in front of you, place your right hand under your head. As you inhale, lift your left leg up, while exhaling, lower it down without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times, change legs.
Step 6
Lie on your back, place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible, place your palms behind your head. As you inhale, lift your hips up, and fix the position for 1 to 3 minutes. With an exhalation, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.
Step 7
Jumping rope, cross-country running, cycling, and stair climbing can help reduce hip size. Use these types of loads whenever you can.