There are many different exercises designed to be performed on the bar. One of the simplest strength gymnastic elements is the "swallow". To study this simple, but at the same time effective technique, there are several tips, adhering to which, you can quickly master it, while not harming your health.

Step 1
The horizontal hang from the back, or "swallow", is easiest to do with the overhead grip, although any other can be done, provided you have enough experience and strength to do so. There are no basic elements for the exercise, because it is considered a simple forceful technique. All the necessary skills are developed while performing the "swallow".
Step 2
To perform this element, grab the bar firmly with both hands, put your feet a little narrower than shoulder-width apart and bring them over your head, slide them under the horizontal bar and gradually lower them back. At the same time, try to maintain a horizontal position without sagging the body. The belly should be in line with the head and legs. To perform such an exercise, you will need a certain strength and the ability to keep your body in the right position.
Step 3
To facilitate the performance of the "swallow", beginners will be helped by narrowing the grip of the hands after bringing their legs back. This will provide additional support due to the wide muscles. But do not put your hands close to each other, because they will interfere. It will also ease the load by extending or bending the knees after the back cast. You can also try to perform the "swallow" not immediately, but gradually. First, throw your legs over your head and take an upright body position. Slowly lowering your legs back and lingering in such a position that will be within your power. Over time, move closer to a horizontal position of the body. If the exercise is not already given, then it is worth looking for a person who can support you by the chest and legs during horizontal hang, which will significantly reduce the load on the muscles.