The race for a distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters presupposes a tremendous return of moral and physical strength. Often, athletes cannot leave the competition for several days, or even weeks. In general, to win a marathon, you need to follow a number of critical steps.

It is necessary
- - Sports uniforms;
- - lightweight sneakers;
- - training system.
Step 1
Train vigorously several months before the start of the competition. From the experience of professional athletes, we can say that in total you need to conduct no more than 3-4 marathons per year in order not to overtrain and get the maximum result from the race. Plan your start 3 months in advance.
Step 2
Implement different types of workouts. Do not stop only on flat cross, include mountain running, cross-country running, tempo cross-country running, training at the stadium. In general, train constantly with a group of athletes. Thus, you can more easily transfer pre-competition loads.
Step 3
Go to your training camp in the highlands. It is very important to run back 2 months before the start of the marathon, as follows the fees high in the mountains. Such terrain will allow you to develop incredible endurance, as the air there is thin and there is not enough oxygen. As a rule, training sessions take place in the morning and in the evening. First is the main workout (long cross). In the evening - light cross. In the afternoon - rest. With this mode, you can adapt to these conditions and feed your lungs with oxygen. This will be the foundation of your marathon victory!
Step 4
Adopt the training systems of famous marathon runners. It is very difficult to count on winning a marathon if you practice in your own way, even very hard. The best way is to train with professionals. It will be quite difficult to do, but you will gain invaluable experience. You will feel more confident on the road because you already know what your opponents are capable of.
Step 5
Run with someone during the marathon itself. When you're on the track, don't try to lead a group of runners. Change. It is very difficult to win this competition if you lead the entire peloton with you, since you may simply not reach the finish line. The winners are those athletes who correctly distributed their forces over the entire distance and at the end made a decisive breakthrough.
Step 6
Tune in to win! The great contribution to the victory is made precisely by the excellent mood of the athlete before the start. Of course, physical condition matters, but you should always be on a heightened emotional wave.