How To Learn To Do Push-ups From The Floor

How To Learn To Do Push-ups From The Floor
How To Learn To Do Push-ups From The Floor

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If you decide to tidy up your physical form and strengthen certain muscle groups, you do not have to sign up for a gym. You can do some simple exercises at home without equipment or special weights. The main exercise for developing chest muscles is push-ups from the floor.

How to learn to do push-ups from the floor
How to learn to do push-ups from the floor


Step 1

In order to learn how to do push-ups correctly, you should first know that in this way you can strengthen various muscle groups. If the legs are higher than the head, the main load during push-ups falls on the upper chest, and if you place your feet on a chair or stand during push-ups from the floor, then you will exercise the lower pectoral group.

Step 2

Practice standing movements before starting push-ups. Stand up straight, press one palm to your chest, and then slowly move your hand forward, as if pushing something away from you. At the same time, strain your pectoral muscles. Do the same with the other hand. Your task is to feel the tension of the pectoral muscles.

Step 3

The next step is wall push-ups. The Swedish wall is best suited for this, but you can try to try on a regular wall as well. Stand one wide step away from the wall, rest your palms on it and slowly bend your elbows. As soon as you reach the wall with your head, begin to straighten your arms just as slowly, rising to the starting position. Repeat this initial exercise several times. Do the push-ups slowly, without jerking. Make sure that the whole body is stretched "in line", do not bend in the back.

Step 4

Having mastered the technique of push-ups in a light mode, proceed to working out the exercise on the floor. Rest your feet against the wall at floor level, spread your arms, palms about shoulder-width apart. In this case, the hands can be located parallel to one another or directed with the fingers inward. Do some slow push-ups, keeping your body level in mind. Try to push up to the end, touching the floor with your chest.

Step 5

For the initial stage of training, do one series of 7-10 push-ups in full accordance with the correct technique, that is, with a straight back, without jerking, and at sufficient depth. Subsequently, you can increase the load by doing 3-5 sets of 10 push-ups with five-minute breaks between sets. It is useful to include this exercise in the complex of morning physical exercises.

Step 6

From the point of view of working out the pectoral muscles, the most effective type of push-up is considered to be one in which the hands are widely spaced, and the feet are on a high support (for example, on a chair). Periodically change the angle of the body and the width of the arms, so you can gradually correct the shape of the pectoral muscles, bringing it to an exemplary athletic look.
